Part 14:

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Izuku P.o.v.

"A Brazilian dance? Like the samba?" I asked Aizawa. "Exactly. Thats actually the dance you all have to learn and perform. They can be different but the dance still needs to resemble the samba." Aizawa stated. "You have the lesson to find your partner and start planning your dance." Aizawa zipped up his yellow sleeping bag and fell over, asleep.

Y/n P.o.v.

I wonder who I'll be partners with?  I thought to myself before it dawned on me, I turned around to ask Bakugou but he and Uraraka were already discussing the dance. I slumped back down in my chair before feeling a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Y/n." I turned to see Izuku smiling. "Come, let's learn the Samba."

No one's P.o.v.

Over the next four weeks, everyone in Class 1-A spent their days practicing their dances. As each pair practiced their own Samba dances, Mr.Aizawa gave the class a video of past 1st years doing the dance. It was UA's Samba. Apart from their individual dances they were doing for marks, they would have to learn the UA Samba that will be showcased in their festival. Each class in the school is doing their own dance from different places over the world. Class 1-A always starts off the festival with the UA Samba. Their was a specific costume too. All the girls wore a sparkley bra -that was shaped like a sports bra for extra coverage due to some *perverts* that attend and come to watch-  that had a little jewel that hung down from the middle on the front, they had a matching pair of bikini-like bottoms that had a sort of semi circle ring around it - as to once again prevent wondering eyes-. The girls aslo adorned a tight necklace and some feathers in their hair as well as wearing heels and a 'braclet' around their calf and bracelets on their wrists. The men wore a loose necklace that had big feathers attached to it to cover their chest and wore shorts with feathers on the sides with what looked to be a belt as the hem of the pants. The men also adorned a chain necklace as well, wrist bracelets, calf 'bracelets' and a pair of shoes that were not too noticible pair of shoes. Each girl could choose the color of their costume as well as the men.
(Similar to this but in different colors due to what everyone chooses for themselves)

                     (Similar to this but in different colors due to what everyone chooses for themselves)

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Despite how much fun everyone had learning their own dances, one pair had a little less happy time. Y/n's soul ate Mark has faded even more and Izuku has now started to help to cover it up. Her mark was only half visible and her health deteriorated. She lost her stamina and had horrible headaches and some stomach bugs, but she pushed through them all to not worry her friends. Izuku though, was worried. And angry. Very Angry. At Bakugou. The boy who had cared now couldn't care less. He even thought her weak since Y/n was not as energetic as before despite her cover up on her lost energy.

Four weeks past and the class did their individual presentations and got their marks on the dance. Now the only thing left for them to dance for was the festival next week.

Hello my little Baku babies! I managed to get a chapter done for you and the next one will come when I get it done. *Be Warned* the next chapter is great and I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.
Laugh on!


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