Part 3

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It was only the early hours of the morning when Cher woke up coughing, she had tried to be as quiet as she could but she couldn't stop herself and the man next to her awoke.

Rob immediately sat up  and joined her at her side "Heyy." He rubbed the centre of back to soothe her as best as he could.

"Sorry." She said with a husky voice which remained after the coughing episode.

"Have you taken your medication? " He said ignoring her apology.

"No, where did you put them?"  She said looking at him drowsily

"Where did I put them!?" He smiled.

"Yeah you took them off the lady in one of those little bags." she said squinting at him confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, she was clearly out of it and was still half asleep.

"I don't fucking know you keep asking me weird shit." He gave her an odd look.

"anyway there in your draw." He said stretching which followed with a yawn.

"Why? I don't understand why you've caused me so much confusion, why didn't you just tell me?" She said with a hint of amusement.

"Now who's asking me weird shit." He said as she dropped the pills in her mouth and took sip of water.

"Fucking idiot." She said sliding back under the covers and over to him. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired." she continued.

He put her arm around her shoulder letting her head rest on his chest and he ran his fingers up and down her arm.

"I'm glad you apologised because I was going to cry."

"It's too early for sarcasm and your jokes and that I won't apologise for." she muttered from under his chin.

"I'll apologise for that then." kissing her on the head.

"Hmm how you planning on doing that then?" She looked upwards from his chest in the for search his eyes.

"Well I don't know maybe-" He cut his own sentence short and planted a kiss ever so lightly on her lips. "is that a good enough apology? " He said close enough she could feel the words on her own lips.

"I don't think so." She responded her eyes still closed.

He gave a light chuckle to her response and kissed her again, much long this time, full of contemptment and the flicker of a spark which they both had feared would of died along time ago. 

"That was a perfect apology." she said brushing her lips across his and returning her head to his chest.

With one of his arms draped around Cher holding her close to his chest he played with her hair, the conversation they had the night before was still playing on his mind, What did their relationship mean? She said she didn't want him close and then she got used to being alone. But yet the kisses they shared. Did they mean anything? Or was it just a display of affection which had more of a meaning to him then it did her?

"Do you have plans for today?" She said intrupting his thoughts.

"Not that I'm aware of, why?"

"Just asking." She said shrugging her shoulders. "I have to ring my management today about rescheduling concerts, there was meant to be one Saturday... I fucking hate doing this. I did this last time aswell, how am I meant to tell everyone that they are cancelled!" She sighed heavily and filled with emotion.

He squeezed her tighter to comfort her forgetting the thoughts he had and reserving them for later. "You did tell then you were getting sick, and you performed sick what more can they expect you got worse!"

"and I was meant to go on Ellen! Everyone was so excited, I've let them all down!"

"You've not let anyone down! They'll understand! There's nothing you or they can do about it. You go out there ill they won't get any fucking songs just you coughing your brains have."

She laughed lightly through the tears that trickled down her cheeks. "But some people have waited their whole lives! Some of the new young fans and this is the only opportunity they have had to see me and I cancel."

"I am pretty sure you said reschedule. So they will see you just not for this month atleast."

"Yeah I guess."

"It'll all be fine! And you'll be up there singing and they'll be dancing and screaming in no time at all aslong as you rest."


They lay there for the rest of the morning both of them drifting in and out of sleep.

"Right, I need to get up, I have a phone call at 1." She said siting up, leaving Robs side.

"You don't need to get up to speak on the phone." Rob said burrowing his head in the pillow and reaching for her hand.

"I still can't lie here all day." She said pulling her hand away. "You can stay here if you want or feel free to use my shower." She said  standing up next to the bed.

"Okay" He replied simply.

Cher took the time she had before the phone call to get ready, she knew she had no one to impress they weren't even going to see her but the normality of putting her make up on and putting an outfit together made her feel better.

Once she had finished getting ready in the bathroom she returned to her bedroom.

"I'll be in my office." She poked her head around the door of the connecting bedroom before entering.

"I think I'll need a map to even know where that is."

"You have the whole afternoon to figure the house out so I'm sure you'll find it."

"The whole afternoon!? What are you doing? Having a meeting with life on Mars."

"Yes, Robert, exactly that." She said heading for the bedroom door.

"Can we talk... When your done?" He said almost feeling guilty.

"About?" She knew it'd be about them, what they meant. How was she meant to know what this was? She didn't want to lead him on but she knew she had, friends, that's why he stayed with her, old friends who loved each other. They'd always flirted it was natural, she still kissed him when they saw each other, why is this time different?


She just gave him a weak smile and nodded, Us? Us? Really? She thought, how could she of allowed herself to even let him think about them as an us. Yes she loved him and yet she had kissed him and how much she loved that she did but the fear of him leaving again, the world hasn't changed, the paparrazi hadn't changed and he as far as she knew he hadn't changed and how glad about that she is but it'd just result in him leaving again.

When Cher had left the room Rob covered his face with guilt. She's sick god damn it! He thought he had no right to ask anything of her, friends, that's what they had agreed. They always flirted always kissed. It was no big deal! But why now is it a big deal. Her phone call was what he needed, he wanted her so bad but didn't want to come crashing into her life, and he didn't want to give up this opportunity, this could be his last opportunity. He knew she was hesitant, he could tell, from the quick honest conversation of the late of hour of the night, the hesitation of the first hug. He just wish he could reassure her but he knew he'd hurt her when he left, and God every man she'd been with had hurt her.

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