Better Bother

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 "QUACKITY!" Tommy shouted, he smiled and hugged him.

"Tommy! I would hug you back, but uh." Quackity looked at his arms being held down by the scarf.

Aizawa watched them, carefully analyzing for any sign of fear. "You know him?"

"Do I know him?" Tommy laughed, "He is one of my best friends!"

Tubbo walked over, he was more hesitant. The last time Tubbo and Quackity spoke, it was at the festival. Quackity looked at Tubbo, he could see the hesitation from him.

"Tubbo, I'm sorry about,uh-" He looked at Tubbo's face. The burn is now fully healed but the scar is massive, "I'm sorry about Schlatt. He shouldn't have done that."

Tubbo smiled, "It's ok. I forgive you, you were only listening to orders."

Bakugou and the others walked over. Aizawa began to release Quackity. He felt it was safe to let him go.

"Who is this extra?" Bakugou spoke.

"Bro-BAKUGOU!" Tommy stuttered, "This is Quackity."

Bakugou looked at Tommy. He didn't know how to feel now knowing that Tommy saw him as a brother.

"Did you call Bakugou, brother?" Tubbo asked, trying not to laugh.

"NO I DIDN'T!" Tommy shouted, clearly embarrassed.

Bakugou walked closer to Tommy, he wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "You can call me brother." he smiled at Tommy,"that will mean that I can make fun of you though."

Mina and Kirishima stood there shocked. Mina grabbed Bakugou's arm.

"Where did you take Bakugou?!"

"Let go of me, Pink face!" he yelled.

Mina let out a relieved sigh, "I thought we lost you, angry pomeranian."

Tommy and Tuboo burst out laughing. Bakugou scowled at Mina.

"You are SO DEAD!"

Mina laughed and ran off, Bakugou chased her.

"You and Tubbo seem like you are loving it here." Quackity spoke.

Tommy wiped a small tear away, "Oh yeah. I love it here, everyone is really nice."

Quackity shifted, a small fear planted into him. "Tommy, do you even want to go home? I've not seen you this happy since the start of L'Manburg."

Tommy stared at Quackity, he forgot about going home. He loved it here,he didn't want to leave this place. Here, he felt he had a real family. Aizawa and Bakugou welcomed him and protected him. They cared about him, they cared more than his real family. Wilbur went insane, Techno doesn't even care about him and Phil hasn't even shown up.

"I don't know, Quackity. DOn't get me wrong, I love this place. But, it's L'Manburg. I need to help my country."

Tubbo looked at the two, he never realized how much Tommy felt like this. He was his best friend and he didn't even know. Tubbo knew he would never be mad with Tommy if he decided to stay. He was happy Tommy felt loved here, that he has people he can go to. People that can help him and care for him.

"Hey, Tom, how about we show Quackity around." Tubbo spoke up.

"That's a great idea, Tubbs!" Tommy smiled.

Tommy and Tubbo began their tour. They showed Quackity the classrooms and the training ground. They passed WIlbur's room, he could be seen inside reading a book. Eve thohg Wilbur is being heavily guarded, Tommy still felt unsafe.

"Ok I need to ask, Why did you hide you wings?" Quackity asked.

Tommy looked back at him, "Oh, I just didn't like them." He didn't want to speak too loud, they were still close to Wilbur's room.

"Does Wilbur have wings?"

"No, he doesn't have wings." Tommy said.

Quackity nodded, he had a feeling this was a sore subject for him. "So, is there anything fun we can do?"

"Oh! There is a classmate we like to throw." Tubbo jumped up and down talking about it, "The girls told us that everyone does it." Quackity stood still, unsure if he should be concerned.

"Oh yeah! Wait, Tubbs, remember Kirishima had asked if we wanted to go to the mall."

"Oh YEAH! We can do that!" Tubbo said

Quackity laughed, "Sure, I can do with new clothes. What do they take? Gold? Iron?"

"They don't take any of those." Tubbo said he remembered when he asked Kamanari that. The look on his face, Tubbo still finds it funny.

"We use, like paper money."Tommy said, "Let's go to the dorms. They can explain it and I can change."

Quackity nodded and they all made their way to the dorms. Quackity sat in the common room, listening to Mina explain how things work. Tubbo sat next to Kaminari, both of them looking at prohero cards. Bakugou was helping Tommy get his new shirt on. The back had two holes for his wings.

"Are you sure you want to wear this one?" Bakugou asked.

"Yes! This is my brand!" He pulled the red and white shirt over his head, "I have to wear this!"

"Ok." Bakugou laughed. He grabbed a bag for Tommy to bring. "The bags they give can be annoying, so here."

"Thanks." Tommy said cheerfully.

Bakugou pulled out a list from his pocket, "Tom, why is Wilbur so weird?"

"I thought that was given, but why do you ask now?"

Bakugou held the list out, "He asked me to buy him things and they are all so random."

Tommy raised a brow. He took the list and began to read it.

-new clothes



-Stuffed animal fox

-stuffed animal salmon

Tommy laughed, he didn't find it abnormal. He knew why Wilbur would want stuffed animal fx and salmon.

"Why does he want toys?" Bakugou asked, "And why a salmon?"

"Because, it would remind him of his wife."

Bakugou froze, "what."

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