Evenings at Grimmauld Place

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Hi I just always liked to imagine Sirius and Harry bonding during the holidays whilst the order was busy. This is just a conversation I like to imagine they had. My own personal headcanon.

I might write a follow on, dunno

Little one shot set at Grimmauld Place. Harry and Sirius spend some time together.

"I think I'll have a fire whiskey, Molly." Sirius asked with a smirk. Molly shot him a dirty look that would have made her children cower.

"Well it's late enough for me so I'm headin to bed." She replied curtly. "And don't even think about joining him Arthur." Molly added, turning her gaze to her husband who had just reached for the whiskey and glasses on the side. His hand retracted quickly and he dutifully followed Molly out the room to bed. "Not too late you two. We still have that boggart to do tomorrow." 

It was late summers evening in Grimmauld Place. Now just Harry, Ron and Sirius were left in the kitchen where they had just finished one of Molly Weasley's plentiful dinners. The general atmosphere was lethargic. Work with the Order was either secret or slow and Sirius was confined to the house. Days were spent revitalising the musty old house under Molly watchful eye - leaving everyone worn out from all the scrubbing, dusting and general fighting house pests. The evening however, was theirs to enjoy.

Sirius relaxed back into his seat, conjuring the decanter onto the table in front of him.

"Is anyone going to join me?" He asked, pausing before summoning the glasses.

"Sure." Said Harry.

"That's my boy!" He said slapping Harry on the back.

"Yeah I think I'll..." Started Ron but Hermione kicked him under the table.

"Actually we're going upstairs now. Ron and I are both tired, Aren't we Ron?" Hermione cut in, looking very insistently across the table at him.

"No I'm not, I want..." But Hermione dragged him by the sleeve towards the door.

"Give him some time alone with his Godfather." Harry heard her whisper hurriedly into his ear as they left. He pretended not to hear her.

"Ah yes, you're right Hermione. I am very tired. Suddenly." Ron faked a yawn as his ears turned pink. The two of them sloped out the room and Harry was quietly very grateful for Hermione's ability to know what he wanted before he did.

"Just the two of us then." Sirius smiled at Harry, pushing the decanter and along the table to him. The fire was flickering warmly behind them and Harry felt more relaxed than he had in a long time. Harry picked up the decanter a poured himself a slither of the amber liquid. Sirius laughed, Harry caught his eye and poured a little more in.

"Oh come on Harry." Sirius drawled, flashing him an evil grin. "I thought you were the boy-who-lived. What's living if you don't have a drink now and again. Harry smirked and poured a generous amount of the fire whiskey into the glass. "That's much more like it! Cheers." They clinked glasses. Sirius took a swig and smacked his lips before staring at Harry. Harry narrowed his eyes and gulped down a good quantity of the liquid in his glass putting all his effort into not coughing as the fiery effect hit him full on. They stared each other out for a second. Harry's eyes watered a little.

"Touche." Tipped Sirius as Harry kept his cool a moment longer than he had expected. They both burst out laughing. "That's not bad Harry, I'm quite impressed. It's not weak stuff."

"I'm not going to let an old man like you out do me." He quipped back, receiving a hearty laugh in return.

"Yeah I guess I am an old man now." Sirius stared into the fire, suddenly a little more melancholy. "I'm still far more attractive than you will ever be." He added, the smirk back on his face. Harry huffed in response and they laughed again. "Merlin, if you had seen me then Harry. The stuff me and James got up to at your age." Sirius shook his head. "I don't know why Minnie never killed me."

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