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                 It was a Thursday morning, Lydia and I were eating flowers in the field. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out, and the clouds were just forming. Anastasia was drinking water under the bridge made out of logs.. Anastasia, Lydia are my sisters. Lydia was the smartest of us all, and they oldest. I'm the youngest. We have no parents, or we don’t remember them. She always takes care of us even though she says we are a handful. We have been together for as long as I could remember.

              The flowers that we were eating we pink and white. I really liked the Pink ones. Lydia said they aren't good for you. I don't believe her. 

               As we look up, we see Anastasia, dragging herself over, "I feel kinda funky." Well no wonder, Anastasia is always getting into something or eating something she shouldn't. "Well maybe you shouldn't eat everything you see!" I exclaimed. And as soon as I said it, I took it back. I'm the one that is always eating.

                    Ever since I was little, since we were wondering around this forest, I have probably eaten every type of flower. I don't know why, it's just, the way I am. When ever I'm mad, I eat, and I hate it because then I'm too full. I try not to, no matter how hard it can be. mIt's almost like a eating disorder i think.

                 The time flew by so fast we didn't even notice those small cotton candy clouds turned into huge dark thunder storm clouds. It got dark really fast. It rains here all the time, but never has there been a thunder storm, not as long as we have lived here. I looked at Lydia with concern, "What should we do?" Lydia might be smart, but she can't solve all the problems in the world. “Well the rain can't hurt us so I guess we can stay under the trees for now. And when it stops raining we can go back home to the mountains."  

                We lived in the mountains because its the most safest spot for us to be. The humans are scared to go up here because no one ever returns.The only thing that is keeping the humans away from us the mountain that separates their land from ours. Its to high and too dangerous. We live in a cave on the side of the mountain. We never wanted to go to the over side because the humans are always after us. If they knew that us three are still here, they will hunt us down, It's just something Lydia always says. I think she remembers something from when we were little.

                 As we walked over, we realized that we are at the border, and if we go any further, we won't be safe. The border is just something we never dared cross because of how different everything looked. It's not like its haunted, it just looks like a place that so peaceful and perfect that it might be an optical illusion.

             "Are you sure we should go there?" asked Anastasia. "Well we can't go anywhere else." responded Lydia. As we all looked at the other half of the forest that we never went into. It just  that look. But I'm keep having that feeling that I belonged there. Like it was the home I never had.

               "Whoa! Hey Lydia, check this out, would ya?" said Anastasia. She was standing near a huge tree. I never noticed it there but, wow, it was huge. It had huge leaves and the trunk looked like the size of two bridges put together. It was amazing.

As we all stared to move closer to it, we heard a loud creak. We all jumped away. Scared the crap out of us. "What was that??!!" I yelled."I am wondering the same thing." Lydia was coming closer to it. "Are you sure you should go near it?" Anastasia asked Lydia.Then she said  "home."

Lydia's POV:

              We were outside eating flowers, as they are really healthy for you. I was with Innesa, the most dumbest unicorn that you could ever meet, but i still loved her, for who she was. She was the most caring person ever. If she saw someone sad, she will sit down with you and cry until you got over it. Then she will ask if you want to eat anything. Innesa was a big eater, and i'm surprised how she's not that fat. I'm pretty sure she had tried every type of flower in this whole forest. And obviously they are all edible since she is still here.

               Anastasia is coming our way looking like she ate a fish. She hates fish. That is the one thing she would never eat. And I don't blame her, no unicorn likes fish. THey are animals too, like us so why eat them? "I feel kinda funky." she said.

               All the sudden it started to rain. I didn't even see it coming. I promise you the last time i looked up there were some nice little clouds. I guess time really does fly, like my parents used to say. Our parents have been gone since I was 6. Innesa was only 4 and Anastasia was 2. I'm pretty sure Anastasia doesn't remember them, for she was too young and she never talks abouit having dreams about them or asks any questions about them. But Innesa on the other hand, she remembers. I remember when parents left, telling me,"Take care of your siblings, we will come back for you when it is safe." I guess it never became safe. Innesa used to dream about them and would cry at night the first months, but then she too forgot them. I wouldn't be suprised, they were both ao little. My parents were the presidents of the forest. They owned it and helped out the other unicorns, when they were alive, of course. But before they left, before every one was taken by the people, they hid us and told us not to come out untill the sun came out and the weather was much too warm to stay in the secret cave. On the other side of the forest. I had to and still do have to protect them.

              And now we have came to the other side of the forest, where we used to live. I want to run in there so badly and burst through the door and find my parents standing there, and give them a big huge, just like it used to be. Then they would say, "Did you have enough fun today will Bella and Finn?" Those were my best friends. Oh how I miss them. When my parents were taking us to the secret cave, I asked them if they can take Bella and Finn with us, but their parents were strictly against us hiding. Thery said that if were to face the humans, we shouldn't go without a fight. Which is why they aren't alive now and still with us. If only I knew how to use the operator insde the house we used to live in. My parents were extremly smart and had made an operator that could go to the other sidfe of the mountain and study the ways of the humans and understand them more better. They would learn their ways and learn theor language. Myparents were able to comunicate to the people, with the help of the machine. I know that there is a book that they have written for me and my sisters just so we can use it if something ever happened. My dad just started teaching me how to work the device whent eh poeple attacked. Back then when they wanted our power.

               As I stare at the house, I remembered how to open the door. And remembered everything about taking control of the home I used to live in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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