How he kisses

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Gon: (for legal reasons Gon is not a minor 😶 I hope I clarified that)

Gon's kisses are very short but passionate at the same time. He'd kiss you so fast all you'd see is a short green blur. You could be eating nachos and he'd just kiss you on the lips suddenly. You could be in shower and he'd just pop up from behind the shower curtain wanting kisses. Remember...he likes to kiss your nose the most.

"Y/n-san! I'm coming in for a kiss!" *Leaps*


Killua (he's legal in this book too you guys...)

Killua's kisses are pretty playful actually. He likes to nibble on your lips or lick them as he's snacking on them like chocolate. He's the kind to kiss you when he knows he'll be able to most enjoy it. He'll kiss your neck too! Nibbling and licking like your body is made of sugar.

"My sweet~ it's time for your neck kisses~"

"...Yes dear".


Kurapika appreciates a tasty pair of lips too. However, his kisses are more needy more ravenous. Kurapika kisses you like it's the last kiss he's ever going to have with you. He'll lift you up even just so he can hold you closer. His cheeks flush, his hands wander, and you have learned to always expect more.

"Y/n...your lips...are absolutely divine".


Now Leorio is an oddball. He likes to have make out sessions with your hips. He'll suck, nibble, and even bite at your skin to leave marks. In his mind, he wants to be able to look at any part of your body and see one of his love bites. Other times, he'll seem almost hesitant to kiss you. He treats you as if you were some precious jewel and he fears his chapped lips might ruin that.

"Jewel! B-Baby?! Who put these bite marks here?!" He says as if he wasn't the one who put them there.


Hisoka is a lustful romantic in my mind, but surprisingly will rarely act on it. He's a flirtatious guy but remember, he's been socially ostracized, hunted, targeted, etc. So, his love game might only excel in sweet talk.

"My sour goodness~ what might you be doing?"

"Kissing your voluptuous hips? What else?"

"...carry on".


Kite is a strange man but I like to imagine he is the Alpha of all Alphas. An absolute daddy in whatever he does. Unintentionally asserting his dominance. He kisses like he's had four lifetimes to perfect it. When he really wants something, first he'll try to obtain it legally, when that something became you...oh boy he wanted you. He saw you and said "I like your eyes G" 💋


This whole cast is full of strange people. Feitan is no exception. His kisses are surprisingly super gentle. Like, a feather landing on your arm gentle. That weird feeling where you think a bug is crawling on your arm but it's really a hair or something gentle.

"Y/n, I just wanted to say...I really do love y- WOULD YOU STOP SWATTING ME WHEN I KISS YOU!"


My baby. He didn't understand kissing at first. He thought it was some war tactic to confuse enemies. Once you explained it to him that it was for showing affection, he was like 😳
His kisses are definitely more hesitant and short. However, there are rare moments when he just kisses you and his kisses are heavenly. Unfortunately, because he doesn't actually have lips it's a challenge to actually kiss him.

"Y/n, I've been meaning to ask you something".

"What is it babe?"

"May I perhaps, as I've heard from local males, devour you?"

"Please do"


This man kisses like a freaking animal. He incorporates all kinds of animalistic behavior. He'll bite your lips, tug at them, suck on them too. Heck, he doesn't care if they bleed. This man growls too!

"Yeah baby, that's right. Give them sexy lips of yours".


King. No place left un-kissed. He got some soft lips so when he kisses right where you like it- let's just say he likes to see you squirm.

"What's wrong my love? Can't handle me?"


Cocky little ba-

No, but seriously, he is always down for make out session in his various hideouts. It's impossible for him to kiss just for the sake of letting you know he adores you. He has to go above and beyond to give you the best darn kisses you'll ever have. He always sometimes knows what kisses you're in the mood for too. You got options. Wanna feel like you're floating on clouds? Welcome to Cloud 9. Wanna feel all his sexual energy at once? Good luck. Maybe you're in the mood for something sweet and quick, well guess what? He is speed.

"Hey my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget! Why aren't you falling into my arms? We haven't kissed since yesterday!"


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He has very gentlemanly kisses. They never hurt nor are they overwhelming. His kisses are sweet but very drawn out. He loves to french kiss. A kiss from sends his brain soaring.

"Sweetness~ how did I end up with someone as amazing as you?."


This guy... doesn't quite understand the concept of kissing. He just doesn't understand why he'd have to put his mouth on yours for you to know he cares about you. In his mind, he could just tell you that. Of course, if you want to kiss him, you're gonna have to ask.

"Hey babe? Can I kiss ya?"

"What? Speak up, I don't understand mouse squeaks." Meruem says as he decapitates another person.

"I asked if I could kiss you".

"Fine, but make it quick. Can't you see I'm busy?"

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