12.2 No Good Deed is Without Its Sin

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A familiar BMW rolled into the driveway some forty minutes later. Collin, freshly showered and in the process of pulling on his least worn jeans, greeted the sight with a sigh of despair. He drew the curtains shut. All he needed was for Kira or her mom to look up and see him half-dressed, staring like a creep.

"What's taking so long?"

Collin swore and threw the shirt he'd meant to wear at the door. "Get out!" he hissed.

Iris looked him up and down. "Nice. Might want to go for a shirt on the first date, though."

Collin covered his chest with his hands, then realized what he was doing and flipped her off instead. "Out!"

Iris made a kissy face but did close the door. "Something with a collar!" she called from the hallway.

Collin bit back the reflexive, fuck off. He glared at the door, then at the shirt crumpled in a sad heap by the wall.

"Damn it," he muttered, and went to dig through his closet for a collared shirt with the least amount of wrinkles.

Mrs. Weaver and Kira's mother were chatting in the kitchen when Collin stumbled downstairs. Mr. Weaver was still nowhere to be found. Collin wondered if the man was avoiding the house. He wouldn't blame him, really.

"Collin! So nice to see you again," Kira's mother called.

"Yes, ah, same," Collin said, edging away from the kitchen doorway and the women's direct line of sight. He could hear Iris and Kira in the living room. The idea of joining them was about as appealing as walking over broken glass barefoot, but it was better than sticking around for a very polite, very thorough interrogation courtesy of Kira's mom.

There'd be time enough for that on the ride to the mall.

The TV was on, but set to mute. Iris babbled about something or another in a chirpy, pleasant voice Collin instantly hated. Kira seemed to be into the conversation, for whatever reason. She saw Collin and waved him over, her smile too bright to look at directly. Collin waved back.

"Come, sit," Kira said, "It's going to be a while."

Collin winced internally; that's exactly what he was afraid of. He shuffled forward with great reluctance. Kira'd taken the loveseat, which left Collin with a choice between the floor and sitting next to Iris on the couch. No contest at all, really.

Iris grabbed Collin's arm and yanked him down when he tried to pass her by. Collin let out a soft oof, bouncing a little as he hit the couch cushions.

"So happy you're coming with us, Cal," Iris cooed.

Collin forced a smile, for Kira's sake. "Me too," he said through his teeth.

Kira beamed. "It's been forever since I went to the mall with friends. Anything you're looking to get?"

"Make-up," Iris said.

Kira perked up. "Oh, me too! Maybe you can help me – I really don't know what to buy. I've been putting it off all year."

"You don't need make-up," Collin said, then contemplated biting his tongue off. It only ever got him into trouble.

Kira's smile was small and startled. "Thank you," she said. "But, um – it's more professional, isn't it? I should get used to wearing it."

"Sure. I'll help," Iris said. Collin nodded too, though he didn't really get how make-up factored into professionalism.

"That's great! Although – sorry, Collin, it'll probably be very boring for you," Kira said. "Maybe we should go when it's just the two of us-"

"No!" Collin interrupted. Like hell was he leaving Iris alone with Kira. "No, that's fine – I don't mind," he added, tacking on a smile for Kira's benefit.

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