˜"*°•. Chapter 22 // Starry Night of Dreams .•°*"˜

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  After giving Kasumi her permission to participate in the Final Selection, (Y/N) noticed that the sky started to darken, and she could see the stars that are shining brightly in the sky. After cleaning Kasumi's wounds, (Y/N) peeked out of the room to see her friends leaving the estate. As they left, she stood up and put out the light of the candle, and got to her room. When she entered her room, she saw a figure standing in the shadows, and (Y/N) got in a fighting position. "Who are you? And show yourself. ", her calm words came to contact with the figure, and the figure revealed itself, and it was nothing than Matsui. 

  "O-oh, I'm sorry for scaring you, I just wanted to talk to you for a while. ",clarifying herself, she didn't meant to make (Y/N) concerned.

  And (Y/N) hummed in response, and she walked over to her bed, signaling Matsui to sit on her bed. When they were seated, Matsui started to talk, "I-I heard that you had been having nightmares recently, I hope that you don't feel bothered but, can you tell me what was you nightmare about? " ,they both just looked at each other with silence, wondering what (Y/N) would say. When Matsui noticed that she wasn't answering, she lowered her head. But (Y/N) was just thinking how to describe it, since her dreams mostly are about haze killing her, and showing her past. And she finally opened her mouth to speak.

  "Well, since you asked me, I might as well tell you. So my nightmares are mostly about haze, which represents my past, reminding me how weak I was, and how I failed saving my family miserably. And I would mostly get 'killed' by this haze, and I would wake up when I 'die'.  ", (Y/N)'s tone was calm, and shows no fear at all. But deep inside, she felt intimidated by the maze in her dreams. It was like a barrier trying to stop her from moving forward, and she tried stopping the maze before, but it never worked, it was like she was blinded by the haze, and can no longer see her destination. Matsui on the other hand, seemed to notice (Y/N)'s troubled aura, and started to process the information she just got. They stood there in silence, both in their thoughts, until a lightbulb appeared in Matsui's mind. And she turned to face (Y/N).

  "Well, did you ever try rejecting the haze with something that changed your life? ",the wind stopped blowing, and the sound of crickets stopped chirping, and only dead silence remained, which made Matsui shiver. But when Matsui thought that (Y/N) would scold her, (Y/N) smiled.

  "That sounds promising to be honest, I might try that out later when I'm asleep. ", and Matsui's face turned from nervous, to gladness. They both embraced each other, thanking for the other's advice. It would be nice for (Y/N) if that haze in her dreams were gone, she could continue to get stronger, instead of facing her limit. And Matsui's grimaced.

  "I'm happy to help, (L/N)-san. ", and the both of them hugged each other, with happiness.


  After some time of talking, you decided to call it a night, and you waved Matsui off. She nodded in understatement, and left your room, leaving you alone. And you thought of her advice earlier.

  Rejecting something that isn't real? Is that even possible?

  So you decided to head out of the estate to clear your mind. And you saw Kasumi sitting under the moonlight, looking up into the night sky. You sat next to her, wondering how she got out on the same time, until she spoke, "Are you not able to sleep, master? ". You looked at her, wondering the same thing.

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