Chronos multiverse and back to chronos again

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Meanwhile back in Chronos multiverse who were alerted to chronos disapppearing from the meeting with the sans and papyrus's.

They were currently fixing the machine to travel to other multiverses considering they couldn't find Chronos in their multiverse at all, it wasn't the first time he ended up in another multiverse but the machine did get damaged a while back.

Though even with all the sans and papyrus's working on it together, it was taking a while considering they were a bit worried if it would actually work again or would malfunction or not.

But they were determined to get Chronos back.

They have to, Chronos was a pretty awesome friend of theirs, even if he doesn't show much expression. They are just pretty sure he's socially awkward or something.

But he's always nice, helps them, heck, even taught them how to open portals and let them visit each other and become friends.

Heck chronos protected them when it was needed. So of course they were going to get their friend when he needs help.

Just might take a while with a few test runs to make sure the machine actually works.

After all, they don't want it to break on them or do something they didn't want to happen after all.

~back to Chronos because I can't think of anything else for the sans and papyrus back in chronos multiverse-~

Chronos glanced around a bit, a bit curious to how different this multiverse was to his old one. Sure he knew it was different from his current multiverse but what other aus does this one have?

But Chronos didn't ask, he didn't want this ink to start rambling about the aus again after all.

"So..I'm probably going to be here for a long while until they figure out how to get me, does anyone have a place I can stay at until I can go home?" Chronos asked and this ink started opening his mouth when nightmare interrupted.

"You can stay at our place, I don't want this ink to talk to you and have a dumb conversation with you."

Chronos looked amused and inks mouth shut and he pouted.

"Good, I don't think you know my name though, I'm Chronos." Chronos told them and they nodded a bit before heading out, leaving behind ink and his group.

Chronos glanced around a bit curious, checking to see if anything was different between this mansion and the one at his old multiverse nightmares gang.

There wasn't much difference between it besides some extra stuff or some changes in the design, but overall, he liked it anyways.

"So, how long do you think it will take before you can go home." Dust asked with a curious tone.

Chronos blinked, "honestly I don't know, they will have to fix the machine again and check to make sure it actually works and that's it won't malfunction again."

Cross blinked, "they already have a machine that can travel multiverses?"

"Of course, you think this is the first time I ended up in another multiverse? This is the second time. Last time the machine got damaged on accident, and they didn't think I would end up in another multiverse again so they were taking their time on fixing it." Chronos responded with a hum.

Nightmare let out a hum, sounding a bit curious but continued to walk forward, not looking at any of them.

"So, besides mine and cross  brother being alive in your multiverse, anything different that you noticed?" Killer asked and Chronos gave a thoughtful look.

"Hmm...personalities seem to be a bit different..along with some of my aus weren't made here..." Chronos looked a bit thoughtful, even if it was kinda fake but also not, considering he didn't think much on the difference between his and this multiverse.

They all entered into the living room, "just hang out here, I'll check to see which room you can use." Nightmare told Chronos who nodded before nightmare walked off, leaving Chronos behind with his gang.

Finished with 730 words, well hope you like and comment what you think, I didn't think I'll be able to update this but I was surprised I was able to.

Hope you like and comment what you think- I know quite a few of you were waiting for this to update, sorry for the wait.

Ja ne~!

I have
Outcodes- Ink, error, fresh
Undertale, sans/classic
Underfell, sans/red
Underswap, sans/blue
Swapfell, sans/blackberry
Fellswap, sans/fell
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare
Killertale, sans/killer
Horrortale, sans/horror
Dusttale, sans/dust
Xtale, sans/cross
Epictale, sans/epic
Abysstale, sans/abyss
Aftertale, sans/Geno
Reapertale, sans/reaper

That's all I have for now


Error is ink in another multiverse Where stories live. Discover now