and so she did

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hour after hour

day after day

being called names

the names and their hurtful words

become more pain each day

at lunch she would sit in the stalls eating alone

there was no one who would stick up for her

everyone just laughed along

telling her she was worthless

her dad isn't ever present

and her mom went on a business trip for a month
It's going as planned, this will be the end, all thus pain will go away , but Sara your still a worthless piece of shit

she thought to herself

making a mental note

the school bell rang

and ran home

she was gunna end this all

she wanted it slow and painful

a gun was out of the option

a rope was out of the option

but she knew pills would fulfill her longing death wish

took em one by one

finishing the bottle in a quick minute

she dropped to the floor

the eye sight became blurry

the last thing she thought of

were those nasty words

she got called over and over again
Too skinny
Big head
Worthless Piece Of Shit

They Told Her To Die

and so she did

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