Feelings n Moods

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Christina and Vee eventually arrives at his house

Christinas POV:

We finally get to his house and the whole car ride was samantha complaining about alot of things, contantly flirting with vee every second then looks at me..she's not..jealous of me...? right i mean shit with a boyfriend like that i guess i'd feel insecure too he's good looking..but yea he drops her off "goodbye kiss" and "i'Ll tExT yOu lAtEr bAbY" or 'I'lL cALl lAtEr bAbE" jesus she cannot get enough and of course she didnt say "Good luck on your project" or "Goodbye" she just likes..whatever it's called taking advantage of him anyways his house was a...lets just say

HE WAS RICH ASF! and i dont wanna assume anything maybe samantha is dating vee for his money and he knows it..nah i shouldnt be like this my jealous side isnt a good side..

Vee-You good..?

"Uh yea..why" christina chuckled nervously

Vee-I get it big house i'm a good looking rich boy

They head inside...

Vee's house                                                               

Vee-Hey i'm gonna use the bathroom just meet me in the living room

Vee heads up his nice staircase and disapeers which gives christinas time to you know look/snoop around

So she walks around.Admires his beautiful rich house until..she comes across photos on the wall


At the picture is Vee and Jin from christinas class and...2 other cute boys

Christina just froze and was in shock that she doesnt realize someone walks in

Jin-Wow your so obsessed with me you stalked me and found my house

Christina spins around and faces Jin...she tries to speak but she cant..why?

He comes closer to her which makes nervous

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god what is he doing!" she thinks to herself

Jin says in deep sexy voice "So..what are you really doing here cupcake"

"I-...uhm can you not be so close" she stuttered

"Why?" he chuckles "You nervous?"

Jin moves even closer to where the part where literally face to face and lips so close


Christina finally gets into reality and pushes him

Christina-You know you smell like smoke and your breath stinks

Jim laughs "yeah..ok" he winks and walks upstairs and laughs as he goes up which leaves christina annoyed as hell

Then vee comes down

Vee-Hey you ok?

Christina-Uhh can i ask you a question..?


Christina-How do you know jin..and these other guys..and your house

"Oh" vee laughs softly

Vee-Lets go to the living room i'll explain

They go to this nice living room like it's so unbelievblely beautiful to christina that she cant believe that she's in such a nice ass house

they sit on the floor and put there project on a coffee table and start

5 minutes in and christina asks finally "Soooooo uhmmmm them boys..?"

Vee looks up at christina laughs puts the cap on his marker plays with his hair licks his lips sits back and starts speaking

Vee-Well jin is my...brother..

Christina-Wait..what?? but- ya'll don't look alike

Vee-Yea well i get that alot it's funny because samantha actually sees the simularity between us and she was scary accurate

Vee-And The others two is Jimin on left my cousin and his brother on the right is Suga..

Christina-Interesting if you don't mind me asking me a couple more questions..

Vee-Of course not ask away

Christina-So your house..

she smiled

"Its uh..pretty big mansion you got here" as she looks around and looks at vee in the eyes which he looks away from 2 seconds of staring at hers

Vee-Well me and my brother and my cousins..are kinda..sorta famous for our looks and our songs..

Christina-You guys sing...?

"Yup" he nods

Christina-Jin..schools fuckboy i know so far...sings?

vee puts his head down and laughs and looks up again

"Very interesting..so uh if you don't mind me asking..how long have you..and samantha have to together"

Christina-You dont have to answer im just..curious

Vee-We have been together probably since 10th grade

Christina-Wait sophmore year? what grade are you in??

Vee-I'm a senior

Christina-What?? wait why are you in some sophmore classes then??

Vee-I'm retaking them for a better grade

"Ahh ok" christina said nervously and understanding

Nervous..because he's older...understanding he has be in the class to pass senior year...


Samantha opens her front door and there stood there melina

Samantha-Oh thank god you finally came I GOT TO TELL YOU SOMETHINGG

"Girl- spill the tea" Melina said as she walked in

They go upstairs and go into samantha's room and sit on there bed

"Okayyyyy so...what the fuck happened?" melina said

Samantha-Ok so like as usual it's monday and me and vee on monday ALWAYS go to the mall right and then he texts me hey we cant go today which i was kinda bummed and understanding you know vees well VEE sweet so whatever then we meet in his car so thought he was gonna change his mind but then

BUT THEN! he's like hey...my partners coming and he was all nervous AND OBVI he's a bad liars and i question him and he mentions that new girl bitch we saw this morning then we fight and makeout like crazy

Melina-Girl you wildin-

And the whole car ride and i tell that this girl had a crush on vee so being the jealous petty bitch i am i contantly flirting with him the whole car ride and making her uncomfortable

Melina-Damn- what does vee see in you

Samantha-Well lets see i'm beautiful,sensual,conseual and sexual perfect for him my personality our zodia-

Melina-Ok ok jeez well i got something to tell you too


Melina-Its suga... -.-

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