That's it?

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"That's it?" That's what? "Nothing more? No love at first sight? Immediate chemistry? You didn't even tell him your name?"

Love at first sight? Was that real?

No. It wasn't.

There was no such thing. Though if you asked my brother Levi, you could fall in love at first sight of mama's cornbread.

"No, no love at first sight." There wasn't love at second sight, or third either. I don't know when I first loved him, there was only the time before and the time after. Before I was in darkness. I was darkness. I was midnight.

And after?

I was me. I was Chick. I wa-

"That's boring. Tell me another story about your boyfriend then. Tell me something romantic, something to make my heart flutter." She said, the girl more sisterly than Annelise. I shook my head to her. We didn't have anything like that. We didn't have any stories that made your heart soar. We had a few runs on a path with a roaring creek and a few meetings at midnight. But we never flew. Real love didn't fly, and our love was real. It had to be real. I could feel it in my hands when he traced my fingers and see it in his smile when he read my words. It was real

It was not like flying

It was like breathing

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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