Chapter 1

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Jisoo Kim has never pitched better in her life, and she can't even fucking enjoy it.

The tournament in Georgia is the first one of the year, in August, the first chance to really judge opponents and strategy and team strength. And Jisoo proves herself worth that full-ride scholarship, that freshman starting position, by barely allowing any hits at all during the games she pitches.

Except, of course, during the game when it matters the most.

It's not the final game. It's not a championship or a game that really counts for anything. But it counts for her, dammit, and if there was one game from the three-day weekend that Jisoo really wanted to win, it was the one that she lost.

Because it was against them. Against her.

The YG University BlackJack was her sister's team. Dara had been their star centerfielder when she played a few years back, and now she's their assistant coach, and Jisoo had utterly refused to play for them because she was really damn tired of constantly being held up to the expectation of how good she was in comparison to her sister.

And she still lost, because Dara's team has... her.

Jisoo can see her, leaning against the snack stand eating a soft pretzel. She's taller than her, not that it matters, black hair pulled back and tucked under a dark blue baseball cap.

Jennie Kim, catcher, star hitter, playing for her first year even though she's a sophomore because she sat on the bench for a year since a senior had been in the position she plays.

Of the ten hits Jisoo allowed all weekend, three of them were home runs from Jennie fricking Kim.

She takes in a breath, steels herself, pulls down the brim of her red cap, and stalks her way over to the catcher with the pretzel.

"Hey there," Jennie greets, way too casual, way too friendly.

"Just so you know," Jisoo says through gritted teeth, "I hate you."

"Ouch." Jennie chews on a piece of pretzel, swallows, then holds out the piece in her hand. "Pretzel?"

"What? No."

"Y'know, Jisoo, catchers and pitchers don't have to despise each other." Jennie eats another piece. "I mean, it's not required just because pitchers are arrogant pricks."

Jisoo stammers for a moment, gaping at her. "I-I... You... I'll have you know that I am not arrogant, Jennie."

"Just a prick, then?"

The smirk on Jennie's face makes Jisoo wish she had a bat. "You wonder why I don't like you."

"Hm." Jennie leans off of the wall, breaking off a piece of the pretzel and tossing it into her mouth. As she finishes it, she pushes the last bit into Jisoo's hand. "You don't like me because I'm a better hitter than you are a pitcher, and it pisses off your ego. Enjoy the pretzel."

She starts to walk away, and Jisoo throws the pretzel at the six stitched into the back of Jennie's uniform.

"Don't get so stressed, Jisoo" Jennie says, turning and walking backwards so she can look at Jisoo.

Jisoo hopes she'll trip.

"I'm not stressed; I'm pissed. There's a difference."

"Not really." The catcher taps the brim of her hat as if tipping it. "But don't worry. I'm sure you'll have plenty of chances to toss me home run pitches in the future."

She laughs, loud and just a bit cocky but also weirdly warm, and jogs off towards her team's bus.

Jisoo watches her leave, and she tries not to think about how fun it would be to aim a pitch right at Jennie Kim's stupid face.

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