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Its the second day im so dreading school , i wake up too scared to get out of bed , i literaly got dragged out by my sister , I get ready for school i race to catch the train since i got up so late i only just got there in time, There where no seats left so i stood , i felt a slight breaze on my skirt i look down i notice a hand and it wasnt mine , i turn a round there stood a man in his 30's hand on the handle and hand on my bum , he gets pushed by a boy wearing a red hoodie, the hoodie looked familiar but i couldnt figure out where i seen it before was he a model? or a famous celebrity , anyways i was thankful that he pushed him away ,

I leave the train clueless of my surroundings i trip and nearly fall down a flight of stairs but i didnt i was so close to being stair food the boy in the same red hoodie caught me everywhere i went i was saved by the same boy i thank him , he just nods and walks off i arrive at the school enterance just in time it was 8.15am i only had 5 minutes to race to home room , i get there in time as i walked in all eyes on me i felt like i had a toilet roll stuck on my shoe or my skirt was tooked in my tights i check to see if anything was wrong , nothing was wrong i sat down . All the girls where glaring at me i felt so nervous i just smiled , Thea came up to me " What is your plan Ally" she asked . " My names Ariana and what plan " i questioned " your plan for survival next week is its the survival games the people who enrolled with in these 6 months are chosen to seewho will be the new target and who will join in on destroying the target" she told me "Well i'l just try my best to survive" i replied in a snappy voice . She gives me a look and walks off.

I ignore and head off to lunch i notice a big banner saying "19 new students 1 human target are you gonna me the target?!", I wonder who took so much time to make a fake banner as i enter everyone stares at me was i wearing the wrong shoes on or i had smudged my make up ? . One girl comes up to me "good luck you will need it", she said to me , who was she and what does she mean good luck what have i done!. I sit down my cousin who is in a upper year sits down,"So do you think your gonna survive" he questions me , "survive what?" i give him a snappy answer ,he points to the banner "how are you gonna survive that?" he says . "Oh please Sam you dont believe that do you?","believe what its the 6th annual games this year they say the person who loses will experience a lot of pain" he replies . That time i did really believe that the games was real i quickly eat my lunch and head off to last period.

Today seemed to fly by which was good,I'd rather live today than end up like that girl who failed last year i hear she now lives in a remote village in Thailand.But hey what do i know?.*Bell Rings* ,Schools finished its Friday so its my turn to clean the classroom with the aclamied 3 beauties, i don't get it what is so beautiful about them?. "yeah we don't do housework and you must have experience so you stay here and clean up okay? oh and don't mention us skipping cos our votes are crucial toward the game okay bye bye" Said 5.45pm and it's already dark the lights suddenly go with my phone as my only light source i go to the basement to check the power every thing seemed fine well until i herd a big bang, it sounded like the doors to the basement i rush to go see it was locked i bang on the door screaming "HELP HELP ANYONE HELP IM LOCKED DOWN HERE HELP!!" hoping someone would come and rescue me .

I ring Cassie to come help me but there was no service as a hour passed i was still stuck in the basement i tried banging on the door again no use the school would be empty by now even the janitor would have left by now i hear footsteps aproaching i get excited hoping its my rescuer but i listen closely the footsteps sound like high heels i hear girl giggles they sound awfully like the 3 beauties oh no i rush to go hide the door opens, "Do you think she's still here?" i hear one of the beauties say ,"Thea what do you think there is no where else she could go" another said , as they walk down i sneakily go out hoping they didn't see me suddenly maddison grabs my arm and takes me in to this dark room oh i really dont like where this is going. i try to release myself but then i realise Maddison didn't want to harm me she checks to see if the other two are outside she locks the door."listen i don't want you to make a fool of yourself and i don't want you to turn out like me" she says i look at her with a confused face."What do you mean you don't want me turn out like you?" I question her,"Just don't tell one else this because i will deny it plus they won't believe you but that girl who lost and moved to that remote village was me i changed my name got some plastic surgery i was a different person but the scars that day left is still there even if use botox or surgery it will still be there" she tells me i look at her she doesn't seem fake."how do i know your not lying to me?" i ask, she takes out a school photo album "Look up the Name Victoria Song" she says to me in a faint voice , I look it up to find a picture of a girl who has the same face as Maddison i drop the book and think oh my god this is not real its all a dream.

I tell her that i won't let anyone know her secret she checks to see if the coast is clear then tells me to leave. "oh and by the way the 5 mystery boys im close to so il make sure you don't get harmed but however they don't always listen so il try my hardest to make sure your not touched okay" Maddison says i nod my head and leave i quickly run being careful that i don't run in to Thea and Amber as soon as i get home i text cassie about what happened the next minute there is a knock on my door its cassie i let her in and think "is it okay to tell cassie about Maddison i best not" i tell cassie everyting is fine but she just gives me a looke " I know your hiding something i can tell but i know you wont tell me so im just going to wait till you leak" cassie says then she leaves.I go to bed trying to erase the thoughts and the words said today but how can i sleep knowing the games are tomorrow oh no!!.

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