Chapter 1: letters and sisters.

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I sighed, setting the letter down, hiding the red wax stamp from my sister. My fingers drummed on the cool table absentmindedly, as my eyes shifted to my clone, all pearl grins and chrome orbs.

"We'll see. England is a long way, what if something were to happen to them? Besides, the school I'm going to now is just fine." I added, folding the letter back up without meeting my sister's eyes. Even without looking at Liva, I could feel her roll her eyes.

"I'll be here. Remember? You go to the school, and I stay here and take the boys here. Just go Lillie, we need this." Liva insisted, trying to get another peek at the cream envelope.

I stiffened at this, my gaze darting up to meet my sisters. Thoughts of the letter long forgotten, I leaned closer to Liva. "Listen to me, we are nowhere near that desperate. Got it? I don't need to go to this school, we are fine here."

Liva glared at me, tucking a lock of black hair behind an ear. "Don't pretend Lillie. I've seen the people who come here. They are going to tear our family apart! Is that what you want?!"

"Then how is leaving you any better?! I'm the oldest here, I'm not going!" I snapped, white irritation flooding her heart, leaning back, trying to calm my pounding heart. This wasn't good for me, or my sister, as illness ran through our bloodline. Besides, this was the way too many of their agreements started.

"I'll think about it, okay. Go take a breather." I interjected, before the fight could escalate. Liva glared at me, storming up to leave, and shut the door to the bathroom. The white blade in my throat fades to gray, as I hear Liva uncork her pills, and turn on the water. I stare at the letter, folded, and before I can overthink this, I grab it, and shove it deep in the drawers. Gone from sight, gone from mind.


Always make decisions that prioritize your inner peace.

-Izey Victoria Odiase


The cathedral bells ring at dawn, and I force myself up. Trudging my feet to our bathroom, I lock the rickety door. Pale sunlight streams through the small window over the shower, and I flick on the faucet. I made up my mind two nights ago, but still haven't had the nerve to tell Liva. Perhaps it's because I still cling to the hope of an escape plan, but I know it's not true. I've been exchanging letters with the school since I was eleven, but this would be the first year I would be going to Hogwarts. Lord, even just saying the name makes me cringe. I shouldn't though. This September, I will be attending Hogwarts School in Scotland, UK, leaving my sister and brothers behind. For two nights, my mind has been plagued by what ifs. What if the bills can't be paid, what if something happens to Liva, and I'm not here, what if I lose my scholarship at Hogwarts? Growling to myself, I snatch up a tube of toothpaste, smearing it on my brush. Cupping my hands to wet my mouth, my thoughts flicker again at this mindless activity. When I attended Ilvermorny, the wizarding school in Massachusetts, U.S, they funded my education for witchcraft and wizardry. In addition, my also funded my siblings well-being, as muggle money was essentially just green paper, without any worth, simple transfiguration spells were used. Now that I wouldn't be attending Ilvermorny, would my siblings still get money? And what house would I be in? Heck, would Hogwarts even do houses?!

Horned Serpent for the mind, clever and wise. Sly Wampus for the-

I sigh, rinsing my toothbrush with water, before wiping my face with a wet towel. Even after my letter came home, highlighted and stamped in red, I'm still too attached to my old school.

I will not be afraid. I am Lillie Elva-Glenn, and I will not be afraid.

Casting the wave of sour memories threatening to tear me apart, I return to my room to start my day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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