{ Chapter two }

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"Wake up y/n." Daphne shouted, some how standing over my bed. I rubbed my eyes a couple times before standing up, she stared down at me for a few seconds before leaving the room.

I looked over at the chair next to my bed, with my uniform layed out on it, she must've done that before waking me up. I let out a tired sigh, stepping out of bed. The cold floor hitting my feet while I walked to my dresser, pulling out under garments.

I got dressed, slowly. Letting today's thoughts pour into my mind, but they were all the same. They we're all about the new professor. I really need to stop, but maybe im just excited. Maybe that was why I cant stop thinking of him. At least I hope it is. My mother would be so disappointed in me if she found out about this.

She'd be so disappointed if she found out that I let a man take over my mind. She'd be even more disappointed if she found out that, that man was my professor. "Hey, you good?" Daphne asked, suddenly she was in the room again.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, she sent me a smile before walking back out. Closing the door again. Did I really take that long thinking of him? This needs to be stopped. It really does. I need a distraction from him. But he is the main distraction.

*At breakfast*

"I just wanna know if this feeling flows both ways?." He said, walking closer to me. Soon towering over my figure. He looked down at me as if i was a piece of pray, a piece of pray that he adored. 

"Hey. Y/n, you alright?" Goyle questioned, startling me out of my unasked for day dream. "Yeah, im great." I replied, throwing on a believable smile so he'd believe me. He nodded his head, before looking back at the two beautiful girls having a conversation. Pansy Parkinson, and Daphne Greengrass.

There were many reasons that i could tell you as to why i thought they were beautiful, but i shouldn't have to explain. They each told me i was the beautiful one, but i never believed them. It seemed that other boys did, but i didn't. 

Although, that didn't matter. What really mattered was that i couldn't keep Professor Riddle off my mind. I gazed towards the professors table where he sat. What do you know? He was already gazing my way.

I didn't mind it, it just caught me off guard a bit. The way he starred straight at me, shamelessly not looking away as he knew i caught him. Knowing i was under his gaze made me quite nerves, and im sure he noticed it did.

Proffeser Riddles, Teacher's pet  18+Where stories live. Discover now