3 - A Thousand Years

171 7 2

April 23, 2021

It has now been a few months since Castiel had gotten back from the Empty. Cas was getting back into a routine that he had going with Dean. Some days they would go on hunts together, other days they would visit their friends. Then the rest of the days that they had off, they would spend together bonding. 

The pair had visited Garth and his family a couple time. Garth had begun to tell his kids to call the, 'Uncle Dean' and 'Uncle Cas'. They also visited the Wayward Sisters a few times. Claire and Kaia are kicking it off in a relationship together and that is going well so far. Sam and Eileen still hunt together and are getting close. In fact, the week before, Sam had asked Eileen to marry him, she said yes! That was very exciting news. 

When Cas decides it is time to leave his room in the late hours of the morning, the Angel is surprised to not see Dean already up. Confused as to why Dean isn't up and present, he goes to check and see if he is in his bedroom. Dean isn't in his bedroom either. 

That's when Castiel begins to worry. He searches the entire bunker for his lover, but Dean is no where to be found. Finally, Cas goes back out to the map room to where Cas had left his phone. He could just call and ask Dean where he is. Opening up his phone to call Dean, Cas spots a note pinned to the wall across from him. 

Curious, Cas walks over to the note and takes it down. He reads through the note after seeing that its Dean's handwriting.


Go back to the place we met 

(In person, not Hell) 

- Dean'

Cas instantly remembers the barn he had first met Dean in. He remembers the moment perfectly. The way he had been so different back then. Such a loyal little angel, he was. Now look how far he's fallen. 

It takes Cas a few hours to get to the barn. The sigils and wardings are still on the walls of the barn. The markings are all faded but evidence of them originally being there is present. 

The Angel gets confused when he sees Dean once again not there. Where is Dean? What is he playing at? 

After some more looking around, there is another note in the corner of the barn. The Angel goes over to it and picks it up, reading it. 

'Hey Cas, 

Looks like you found the first place. Maybe you haven't figure it out already, but I'm setting you on a scavenger hunt! And don't worry, it'll be worth it. 

... I hope.

Anyway, go to the place we went on our first "last night on Earth" 

- Dean' 

Cas has to think a bit on this one. When was there first last night on Earth? And then he remembers it. The strip bar! Dean had tried so hard to get Cas laid, only if he had known that Cas only wanted Dean and no one else. 

The journey to the strip bar was a bit less of a ride. He got there in about an hour and a half. 

The strip bar is still there and it looked the same as it did when he and Dean visited it all those years ago. 

Isn't this a good trip down memory lane? 

Not exactly knowing what to do next, Cas took to looking around inside the strip club. A few women tried to get his attention, but he ignored each and every one of them. Eventually a male worker who looked like he made the drinks came up to Cas. 

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