Where am I?

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Where am i, i think i'm only dreaming.I see there someone giving me hot chocolate.Is it real? i judge myself.They asking me; do you feel good?''No im not.. Say me where am i?''They're looking at me like scared.Someone says ''Is she forget her memory, what?''I realized this place. This is my dream's place.. And im here!I drinking hot chocolate slowly, they asking me again; do you feel good?I say yes, im feeling good. Sorry if i scared you all, im only sleepy. They're starting laughing. I starting too. I looking everything, this home is very good designed. An cute girl says ''You look weird! What is your problem, Sandy? You can tell our. We're your friends!''''I have not problem! i already say it before, im only sleepy haha.''Cute girl really is cute. Finally i remembered her name. Her name is Katie! She is 6 years old and little sister of Mark. Mark is my best friend on this dream, but i can't call this place ''Dream'' 'cause this is real. Im looking at everything again, and i see Mark is looking at me. I looking him too. He start blushing. haha he is really cute! And.. i don't like him! He is only my friend. I make heart from my hand for him. And i see Michelle front of this table. She is like bad girls. Loves swearing. oh i don't understand her! And she have crush named Nathan. They're loves each other so much. Nathan is lives this home too. I see them hugging too much, and they're call theyself ''My love''. I think they're only love birds, haha. I feeling someone is hugging me. ''Sandy, i love you.. i love you all!'' uh.. I remembered her. She's name is Maria. She is have mental problems. But she is cute. I starting hugging her too. Mark is come to next of me. And says ''Please, leave Sandy.''Uh, he is little bit jealous. I think he is crush on me... I don't want break him feelings but i seem we're only friends. Oh okay, i have little bit crush on him. He is cute so much. Not so much! Oh whatever. Maria go to her room. And Mark says me, ''You're so cute, do you know this?''I say ''T-thank you..'' We're hearing sounds from Maria's room. I running to her room's door. I say ''But door is locked!'' . Bicky, Michelle's best friend, knows how to open locked door. 'cause she is a criminal. Why she is here? I don't know but i think Michelle is insisted on her to come to our house. Again whatever, Bicky finally opened the locked door. We're seeing Maria is cuts her own hands... I already say, she is haves mental problems. But not goes an therapy. Michelle says ''You're only idiot!'' I say ''Calm down, Michelle. Go to drink your happiness pills'' Yes, she uses happiness pills. I don't think she is a bad girl. She is only lived bad things in her life. I witnessed this, of course when it was a dreamShe is.. i want to not say but, she is raped from her dad. Then this continued every day. And Michelle finally ran away from home. She started living with us. Then, sometimes by the drinking peoples in the street is abuses her- ... I won't say it really hurts, I can understand it. Her only trust was Nathan and us. Otherwise she's a really nice. It exaggerates the love a little. Since she has never seen love in her life, she doesn't know what love means. So she doesn't even know how he loved Nathan... 


I warn Maria; Are you crazy?! oh yeah right, you're crazy but that's not our topic! Why are you cutting yourself? She tells me that cutting herself is relieved. We all leave the room in silence.

Time is passing. Michelle is preparing a sandwich on the side. Mark is not around. Katie is looking for her older brother Mark. I'm looking for Mark too. I finally can't find him, I go to next of Michelle. She says "Hi Sandy, how are you?'' I say ''Im fine, are you?'' Michelle starts crying ''IM NOT FINE! IM NOT FINE OKAY! DON'T ASKING THIS SH!T AGAIN!''

She seems really angry. I find her happiness pills and gave her. She threw pills to the ground with that instant anger. Nathan is running to Michelle for calm her. And he starts hugging Michelle, and Nathan says ''Please, calm down my love. Don't forget, i love you everytime! Please be fine, if you're not fine, im not fine too.'' They're so cute together. 

Heh by the way, I'm really used to it here. I feel like this place is my real home. But I still feel awkward, how can I be in a fantasy world?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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