6~~~+Flumptober 9

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You guys should be proud of me. I have never left a chapter on a cliffhanger, but I did in the last chapter! So I hope you guys like this chapter, and sorry it took like 4 weeks to get it out.

Also, sorry if the last chapter of Morro's POV was confusing. Actually, it probably was. This whole book is probably confusing lol. And don't worry, were going to meet our bad guy soon! I'm super excited for him. Or her. Who knows what I'll do lol. So hope this chapter clears some things up for you. Thanks for sticking with me this far, and I love you all!

-This chapter is dedicated to my Dad in real life. He has taught me to never give up, has always supported me, and has taught me to work and earn things for myself. He's hilarious, and I love him so much! Love you Dad!-

Morro's POV:

"My story is pretty short, but I'm sparing you guys some details. A while back, I had a girlfriend. As a matter of fact, she looked just like you, Hannah. Except, her eyes were more of a silver-blue. And she never wore hoodies." We all shared a small laugh. "We were together for 2 years. We were always together, and I grew to love her. And then we made plans. We were going to get married, raise a family, and grow old together. And then when she was 17, she informed me that she was pregnant. And I was the father. You can only imagine our joy when we found out about the baby. We were slightly worried because we were still in High school, but our happiness overpowered that. A few months later, I got a letter saying that I had down business to take are of." The ninja and I shared a knowing glance. "With the intention of returning soon, I left. But an accident happened. And now, I haven't been able to track her down, find her whereabouts. She must have changed her phone number because she never reasons, and it says this number no longer exists. I've never been able to return to my love, and never been able to see our child. I have no idea what happened to her." I was met with sympathetic looks as my heart constructed. That wasn't the full story, but I couldn't reveal that I was a ghost. That I was a ghost for at least 20 years. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"I'm sorry, Morro. I'm sure you'll find them someday." I gave Hannah a small smile as the bell rang. We were all a little emotional, so we jut kind of hugged before we went our deprecate ways. Hannah's words echoed through my mind. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly as I walked out the doors towards my next class. You don't realize that I already have. I found you a week ago.

Hannah's POV:

Teachers can take something as fun as Art class, and make it boring. Now not all, but Mrs. Tilson sure could. We barely did anything art related, and it frustrated me. I was ready to whip out some pencils and sketch my emotions to life, but instead, we were learning about Primary colors. Te same thing we did very year. So when Mrs. Tilson announced that we would be doing a group project, I was shocked. And the project including sketching! Suddenly, all thoughts of dislike left me and Mrs. Tilson was today's best teacher. The blond haired woman walked to the front of the classroom with her usual commanding sass, catching everyone's attention. I looked up from my coloring sheet, tapping the red pencil on the table. Tapping pencils was a habit I had for years. Sometimes, I would chew then if I was in deep enough concentration. Middle school habits are hard to break!

"All right, kids. The Ninjago High Student Council has asked us to help make decorations for their fundraiser this month. The fundraiser is for an animal clinic named, 'Paw-fect homes'. I want you to group up and create posters, signs, and banners I hang around the school and at the charity that will be hosted next week. This project will go on for about a week, and I expect these posters to be quality, and given thought. This will be for a grade, so make it count. I was also told to inform you that Student Council sign up sheets will be posted in the cafeteria. And I want pictures, drawings, and animal related things to go on these posters! Understood?" We all gave our constant, teenagers grinning at the other. "All right. Let's get to work! Get your group together. I don't care how many of you are together, just do your best." Mrs. Tilson had such a commanding attitude, you couldn't help but follow her orders to the dot. (Or as I like to say, "To the button!") I turned in my seat, scanning the group of teenagers at my table. Lloyd was the only one who sat at my table. The others sat at the table behind us-Cole sat in the middle, Zane side him, Morro sat across from Cole, and Kai sat at the end. There table was deserted, but tht was okay, since they were having enough trouble with their papers as it was.

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