A New Start

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The last blue rose on Earth gracefully sways in lilac, lavender filled meadow as a young boy with blue and emerald eyes looked around a small nearby village, his still-developing soft sensitive wolf ears rotate as he listens for any noise other than the quiet gentle breeze around him. The boy quietly stumbles into the meadow, as his ears slowly lay flat parallel to the ground below his small feet. He glances around the meadow searching for any signs of another presence but again he finds nothing, he soon walks over to the graceful blue rose, he examines the beautiful yet lonely rare rose. The boy carefully picks this rose then ice forms a small sphere around the flower preserving its beauty for many years to come.

The blue rose still resides preserved in its ice frost-covered sphere in a young man's room. The flower still looks as beautiful as the day the young man picked it, young man with blue and emerald eyes smiles gently at a young woman sitting talking calmly with him. Her deep ocean blue and pale icy blue eyes seemed to glow a soft gentle cool light as she glanced over at the very well preserved single blue rose. The rose seemed to be the only thing the young man kept in ice from his lost childhood, he speaks in a gentle manner with the young woman in the presence of the lonely blue rose. The woman seemed to be very different she wasn't a normal werewolf it was obvious to the young man, her soft fluffy wolf ears were black with red tips, not dyed. Her aura seemed to be different than the young man's own aura, the blue rose was the young man's only real safety blanket throughout his lost wandering childhood.

A small boy and girl run around the home of the man and woman. The small boy had one deep ocean blue eye and one emerald green eye just like his father does. The small girl had two icy pale blue eyes that seemed to give off a cold glow when she would walk into the shadows. The woman still had her black with red-tipped fluffy wolf ears out listening for her children's little footsteps as the man sat in his room carefully studying the blue rose he had preserved when he was his son's age. He felt a bit of sorrow whilst remembering those days, the more he studied the still preserved flower he felt the small bit of sorrow he had felt whilst remembering his past start to fade into feelings of safety.

The young teen boy was talking to his father about the perfectly preserved blue rose he noticed when his father was on a short trip to another kingdom. The older man told his son the rose was and always will be his safeguard, the boy looked puzzled by the answer he had been given. The man simply smiled and told his son to be on his way his sister and mother were waiting in the garden with a gift. The boy hugged his father and went on his way to the garden, where he saw a blue present in the hands of his mother. The girl smiled and gently pulled the boy closer to their mother so he could open the gift. Inside the present was the preserved blue rose the last blue rose on Earth was a gift from their parents. The two teens eventually married into respective families and their proud parents lived on watching the world around them pass whilst their son kept the preserved blue rose safe and their daughter became the new protector of the newly found rare special werewolves that they thought were gone forever. The lonely blue rose had been found by a small scared and lost boy the rose guided him to happiness.

The Lonely Blue RoseWhere stories live. Discover now