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We get off the train and arrive at hogwarts and head straight to the main hall to listen to dumbledore's speech, and to watch a bunch of first years get sorted into their houses which wastes a good amount of my time.

After the first years get sorted and dumbledore starts speaking, I somehow find myself lost in his big blue eyes that seem to be staring me down during the whole speech. Even when I turned around I felt his eyes drilling holes into my back, it made me feel quite uncomfortable.. but I also felt special in an odd way.

My heart was pounding and it felt like I was about to explode. I had no idea what was going on or what was happening to me, I couldn't stop thinking about dumbledaddy.. Dumbledore, I mean.

As everyone was about to leave the hall I shot up and left as fast as I could, leaving Hermione, Harry, and Rons face in confusion.

I sat out in the courtyard by myself, thinking about what was going on with me.. until I saw a gloomy shadow step right in front of me. I looked up and began to see his luxurious, long grey beard, leading up to his wrinkly, saggy old face. There it was, his big blue eyes again. He was looking at me up and down, admiring me head to toe. Did I feel nervous or exited? It was definitely nervous this time.

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