A/N: sorry

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Ok guys I'm sorry that I'm taking so long but I'm really stuck on the next part, like I have an idea and I started writing it but then I left and every time I go back to the next chapter I have no idea what to write, l had written basically half the story in my notebook but as I was looking through it while typing it onto my phone I realized that I don't want to write any of what was in my notebook and keep in mind that I wrote this story in like 6 or 7th grade and I'm now in 11th grade so i have to rewrite a good amount of the story so if this story sucks now imagine what it was like before I put it on the internet for everyone to see so I'm really sorry but I'll try to think of something else to put in the next chapter and than(or is it supposed to be 'then' I always get confused) I'll post it once again sorry

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