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- months earlier -
- set during The Originals s1 -


'Phasmatos radium calaraa'

The three word-spell was hummed in sync by Sage and Morgan Forbes repeatedly.

The two witches found themselves at the room dedicated to witchcraft —or, as Sage liked to call it, their 'own little Hogwarts'— they had in their shared apartment. With the objective of cloaking themselves and a few other innocent witches from the big mess going around in New Orleans with Genevieve, the back-from-the-dead witch, and her minions trying to get the unborn Mikaelson baby killed, Francesca Guerrera and her pack trying to get moonlight rings for themselves over the Crescent wolves and mourning the loss of their dear friend, Sophie Deveraux, the girls decided to perform this invisibility spell made by the Gemini Coven (for some reason, Sage had tons of their spells in a improvised grimoire).

After helping (from distance) to bring Davina Claire back from the dead after she was killed during the Harvest and befriending the girl before she joined Genevieve's crew, the duo decided to gather and remain hidden for a few days —not that that wasn't what they usually did; only few people knew specifically about their presence in New Orleans; those only being Elijah Mikaelson and Davina Claire herself, besides from a few other witches. It amused both girls that there were so rumors going around town about how the 'Servers of the Night' or 'Star Children', as they preferred, was a big and powerful coven when, in reality, they were just two twenty year old women who had no clue of what to do with their lives.

It was actually a funny story, how they had met. Morgan tried to keep in a laugh as she recalled the memory, forcing herself to keep focused on the incantation.


The Forbes girl had decided to go on a walk on that cloudy morning and pick up some coffee in her way back home. She sat on a bench in front of the big windows of her favorite coffee shop, a steaming cup of the bitter liquid she loved to much resting in front of her while she texted her best friend, Jeremy, back. She scoffed as he filled her in on the juicy details of Mystic Falls.

Before moving to New Orleans, Morgan and Jeremy decided that at some point, he would meet her and the two would live together. Needless to say that something got in the way of their plans and prevented that from happening. Jeremy had died. Fortunately, after a whole lot of complications, Bonnie managed to bring him back (she had died in the process, but those were minor details, in Morgan's opinion —that witch had taken a part in Kol's death, after all).

Not long after Morgan lost Kol, she received an unexpected visit from her sister, who brought news with her. The youngest Forbes did not handled it well. Jane-Anne Deveraux had a rough week with train-rack witch in training Morgan. But the French Quarter witch adored the Forbes girl, specially after Aiyanna showed to her in a dream Morgan's story and how she inherited her own powers. Janne-Anne was in awe with the blond girl's potential for magic. And so she stuck around before her passing away by the hands of Marcel Gerard.

Morgan Forbes was no prodigy witch. With her magic being revealed so late in her life, it was hard to catch up on so much. But the girl managed to do it, she had to. She may not have been a prodigy like her best friend Sage, but she sure as hell an outstanding witch, specially with the absurd amount of power she had running through her veins.

The Forbes girl let out a sigh as her phone screen abruptly turned off and fought the urge to face palm as she realized she forgot to charge the device during night. With not much left to do, the girl put her phone away and grabbed her cup of coffee, pondering if she should stop by a bookstore on her way home as she got up from her seat and directed herself to the exit of the establishment.

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