Chapter 5: Devoting One's Life to the Proper Pursuits

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Ningyu sat in the living room playing on his phone. He was a young master so obviously cooking was not a skill he needed. Earlier when he said "we" he meant Little Yuchen. Because of his family circumstances Little Yuchen was very good at cooking despite his age. In fact, he'd already cooked a soup course and several dishes just in the short period of time they were downstairs.

Although Yujing was CEO of his own company, at home he was just an ordinary older brother. They didn't have any servants so the two brothers relied on each other and did everything themselves.

"Big Brother, do you want to eat? Is Brother Qingge hungry?" Little Yuchen had just finished the last dish when he saw his brother come down.

"No, let him sleep a little longer. I don't think he slept very well at the hospital these past few days. I gave him some porridge earlier before the flight so he should be OK for now." Yujing went to the fridge and took out a small squash and a few red jujube dates as well as a bottle of milk and a bag of oats. These should help warm up his body. Qingge likes sweet things so he should be amenable to eating them.

He knew the characteristics of some foods because he was in the industry. Although he wasn't a professional dietician, he figured he knew enough to keep Qingge healthy.

"Are you making something delicious?" Ningyu had never seen Yujing make anything with that combination of ingredients before despite coming over a lot. He normally stayed over because it felt comfortable here. His own house was too empty because his parents were usually out and his younger brother was at college. Although his older brother lived at home, he was too serious to play around with. So there really wasn't anyone for him at home. As for girlfriends, he was a playboy. He had several but no one he was serious about.

Yujing ignored the question and instead said, "I'm taking Qingge out to the hospital for a check up early tomorrow so I won't have time to go into work." He didn't look up as he spoke, intent on cutting the squash into small bite size pieces. Then he poured the milk and jujube dates into the pot and adjusted the temperature.

"No way! You can't do that. It's summer now and the orders are coming in like crazy. Do you know how busy it's been these past few days? Don't start behaving like Emperor Tang Xuanzong with his consort Yang Guifei," Ningyu declared passionately. It took him a lot of work but he finally got a date with a really hot actress. He didn't want to cancel tomorrow.

His official title in the company was Deputy Chief, and although it was a position that entailed a great deal of responsibilities, he was normally able to get by with just three days of work in the office. Even when he did show up, he ducked out early to go on dates with his girlfriends. This was all possible because Yujing was such a workaholic. Ningyu didn't have to worry about the company with him there, so he himself was able to slack off a great deal of the time. To suddenly be told he'd have to spend all day at the office was too harsh! Unbearable!

Yujing could pretty much guess the reason for Ningyu's outburst. "You know I don't normally get in the way of your dates, but I need you in the office tomorrow. Also, Qingge is not like Yang Guifei," he said before taking a few bites of food on the table.

Ningyu looked at Yujing and decided to take pity in him. "OK, but you have to come in the day after tomorrow. Don't let a beauty distract you from fulfilling your obligations. After all, the best way to keep a beauty is by making sure everything is taken cared of."

"I know." Yujing glanced over at him. Ningyu was the type of person who was happiest when he slacked off. He wasn't incompetent though, in fact he was really good at his job... when he took it seriously. Otherwise his older brother would never allow him to fool around outside the house. Who knew what suspicious people would take advantage of him then?

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