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"So what's wrong" she asks

"I started coughing up blood and flower petals last night and I have this weird feeling in my chest." She stops writing and looks up at me when I say this.

"hanahaki disease" she whispers just loud enough for me to hear.


"Excuse me for a moment" the nurse said walking out of the room.

Confused I pull out my phone and type in hanahaki disease and hit search

"Hanahaki disease is a sickness that only occurs when someone is suffering from unrequited love. The victim will cough up flower petals that symbolize their love. This disease is only cured when the victim's feelings are romantically returned. The only other way that the disease is cured is surgically" tears start to fill my eyes causing my vision to blur. I realize that I don't just think Momo's pretty, nice and just perfect in general.

"I'm in love." This discovery only causes me to start sobbing uncontrollably. I hear a knock on the door and the nurse peeks in.

"Oh no."

Time skip

I left the hospital thinking of how the nurse said I should drop out of UA because the strenuous work they put us through would worsen my condition faster than necessary. But I had the luck to get in. Where did that luck go? The options were get surgery and lose my love, get Momo to fall in love with me before I die preferably or die a slow painful death.

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