Watching the fight

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Amber's POV

Angel and Sko started attacking while I cowered behind Erika, Samantha and Trinity while simultaneously making sure Erika din't sprint towards Niall and get herself killed. You know when Erika and Niall met, Angel had this look on her face like: "I'm gonna set them up." Maybe I can help...

A lot of pov switches this chapter ^@^

Samantha's POV

 I see Joshua tear Sko's wing and I just watch her fall over the edge while Angel keeps fighting Joshua. Why won't she help her own sister? I would help, but my taco powers aren't that strong yet. Angel launched a black fire ball at Joshua. It hit his tail and he roared in pain. I am just sitting here watching the fight and not doing anything. Then Angel let go of Joshua and fell to the ground.

Sko's POV

I am not in a good situation. My wing hurts like crazy and if I let go of the cliff, I'll fall to my impending doom. Ela flew over to me and asked "You ok?" I replied "Yeah but my wing isn't." She replied "Come on, I need to heal your wing." I winced as pulses of white went over my wing. I slowly flapped my wings and flew after her. She landed in front of Joshua and started healing his legs. He looked up and asked "Why?" Angel replied, "Because you let us free to go." He mumbled "Thanks." as he got up."You have gained a new ally, dragon." Allies? With him? Angel questioned him. "The griffins want us as an ally?" Joshua replied "Yes the griffins let Sebastian do this because he convinced them it's the right thing to do, but we see it's not it's just Sebastian's greed that leads his actions." Angel asked "So, we can get to the top without any attacks?" He nodded. "Thanks" He flew away to the clouds, and I said "Come on, we're almost there" Everyone got on our backs and we flew off.

Sorry for not updading sooner, I was busy with life. See ya later!

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