I'm Back !

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I'M BACK AND I'M 18 !!

My love for haikyuu is coming back to me and I couldn't be happier, honestly. I've been away for a long time :(. I'm sorry to all of you who have been waiting and waiting for updates that never came.

I lost interest as I grew up (I was 13/14 when i wrote all of my pieces) but I'm interested in writing more now that I'm older and less cringe.

If there's a demand for it, I wouldn't mind getting back into writing at all. I don't think it would be as much as I used to, but still tended to.

If you're an og follower who's still active, hi !! long time no see :,)

Thank you for your patience

Genéva <33

.:Arcade:. KuroKenWhere stories live. Discover now