PT.1 - "A new Journey Begins"

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Sonic and "The Girl" falls unconscious through the sky, when Sonic wakes up, he is surrounded by a green force field that stops their fall.

Sonic: "Huh?"

But it immediately dissapears and both of them starting to fall again.

Sonic: "NOOOO!"

Sonic hits the ground with his head and the Chaos Emeralds land around him and "her" landing on top of him. "she" is the first one to rise up from the two.

The Girl: "Uuuuuhhhhhh.........Wha? What Happend? where am i?"

"She" looks around at her surroundings but then she then to see A furry creature (Sonic) seems to be stuck his head into the ground.

The Girl: "Ah! Hang On! I'm coming!" (approaches Sonic)

"She" did her best to try to get sonic out of the ground, both of them succeeded and he gasps for air. 

Sonic: "What the heck is going on? (notices "the Girl")  who are you?"

The Girl: "I could ask you the same thing you-." 

But before "she" could say anything else, Sonic notices a cute creature nearby lying on the ground then he then picks him up.

Sonic: "Hey! Are you okay?!"

Cute Creature: "Can't... I can't... Eat another bite."

Sonic: "Hey! (Shakes Chip) Pull yourself together!"

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Sonic: "Hey! (Shakes Chip) Pull yourself together!"

The Girl: "Maybe try not to shake it too much?"

Sonic: "Oh yeah, sorry."

Cute Creature: (Awakens) "Huh? (Looks Sonic over) Aaaaah!"

Chip Kicks Sonic in the face and hides behind a rock.

Cute Creature: "Don't eat me! I taste bad!"

The Girl: "Relax, it isn't going to eat you or anything."

Sonic: "You OK? Nothing broken?"

Cute Creature: (Calms down and approaches Sonic the Werehog) "Oh, I'm just fine! Thanks for asking, Mister Monster Guy!"

Sonic: "Mister... Monster guy?" (Looks himself over)

The Girl: "And you noticed it right now?"

Sonic: "What? So many things that happend to us today."

The Girl: "Us?"

Sonic: "Nevermind that, Looks like things have gotten pretty ugly."

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