Right now we in the gym playing basketball we been in here for like 2 hours i mean i did come here to play after a next couple of minutes coach dismiss us so we all went in the locker
YOOO THIS NIGGA A SIMP, somebody yelled and everybodyb start laughing
And nigga and let me be mad that yo ass don't got no girl,sb else said
Nah Ian ready to settle down yet, he said
So u gonna be a hoe yo whole life, I asked and he looked at me
Nah new boy imma wait till I'm like 30, he said and I laughed
U gonna be old as hell, I said everybody laugh
And its Vonte, I said
U must gotta a girl, he asked
Yea, I said and he nodded
Oh so we got two simps, he said
If that's what u want to say and at least we got one dumbass, I said shrugging and everybody was just looking
I walked away and took a shower and put my clothes on I grab my basketball bag and left I walked back to my dorm since that's my last period
Calling Deddy🥰.......
Hey mamas
Hey bubba
Bruh I told u to stop callin me that gay ass name
But I like it anyway wyd
Nun just got out of basketball practice wyd
Nothing I didn't feel like going to school today so I skipped
This yo second week skipping
Ok but I haven't been in the mood
Kay u need to got to school
Mmtch ok I'll go tomorrow
It was silence for a minute
I miss u bubba
I miss u too mamas
When are coming to visit
I don't know baby in like Christmas
So u not comin for my birthday
I can't
Yea ok bye
Kay u can't get mad I'm in college ur birthday is just another day to them I can't just get that day off
I knew we should've bro-
Finish that sentence and I'll come there and beat yo ass we together if I wanted to break up u I would've but nah lil mama u stayin so buckle tf up
After I said that she hung up she in her feelings she will be good
YOOO VON, my roommate Jake said
Why tf u yelling, I asked
Aye it's a party tonight u comin, he asked and I shook
Mane come on dude u haven't to none of the parties,he said