Special Chapter : MAID

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Hi guys, today is Momo's birthday and I made it special for my Dahmo's shipper. It's been 2 years already after I made 'Maid'. Let's start our story

A woman ran very fast into the restaurant after parking her car. She ran very fast after seeing her watch, it's already 11 PM

She opened the door and looked at everyone in the restaurant

One of them shook her head and no one of them dare to look at her. A little girl ran toward her and hugged her legs. She held the little girl in her arms and carried her to the dining table

"Omma (mom), aunt here" the little girl said while hugged her, she's so happy to see her aunt. It's been to long since she meets with her aunt

"Come here darling.. Have a sit, Momo" Momo put carefully her niece on Sana's lap. She looked at everyone around her, she didn't see her wife at here with them

"Is she angry with me?" Momo looked at Mina, Mina just nod her head while looked at the restroom direction. Momo know what she means, her wife must at there

Thia family is supposed to have dinner together at Mina's restaurant at 8 PM. Momo  has promised to come on time with her wife. But Momo had things to settle so she told her wife to go first

She was so busy that she almost forgot about the promise she made with everyone including her wife.Everyone here has eaten and only Momo is left

"We need to go now, it's time for Sakiya to sleep now" Sana said

Momo looked at sleepy Sakiya, she rested her head on Tzuyu's shoulder and slowly Tzuyu patting Sakiya's back. Chou Sakiya is combination of Taiwan and Korea's

(Is it legal to combine two names from different countries? If not, I'm so sorry)

Momo apologizes to everyone and she has sent Tzuyu's family to the main door of this restaurant

After spend 10 minutes at the restroom, Dahyun finally came out. When she see Tzuyu and Sana not at here anymore, she went to Mina and Chaeyoung

"They already go home?" Dahyun asked Mina, Mina nod her head

Dahyun still doesn't know that Momo has arrived

"Dahyun" Momo called Dahyun's name, Dahyun looked at her wife but she's not smiling or talking back with Momo. Momo know that she just made Dahyun mad

"I will go home now" Dahyun said to Mina and Chaeyoung

Dahyun walked out without even look at Momo, ahe walked past Momo with a angry feeling. Momo has broken her promise and this is not the first time. Momo is so busy working that there is no time for her

Dahyun waited outside the store, she wanted to go back wirh taxi but at the moment it is very difficult to get a taxi

Momo bowed to her twin and went to Dahyun. It's so cold outside here so she gave her coat to Dahyun, she put it for Dahyun. Momo know if Dahyun is mad with her, she will not talk with Momo and make like Momo doesn't exist

She waited together with her wife at outhere. After 5 minutes, they saw a taxi stop at in front of them. Dahyun just about want to open the door but Momo is more faster, she opened the door for her wife and let Dahyun go inside first

Momo didn't care about her car, she left her car alone because her wife is more important than that.

Momo can see how cold Dahyun's attitude toward her. Momo make sure her coat made Dahyun's feel warm and she hold Dahyun's hand along the way

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