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Felix never liked winter. It's always too cold or too snowy to do anything. Don't get him wrong he loved snow but hated the cold.

Of course of all days he and his boyfriend, Changbin, decided to go out; they got snowed in.

He snuggled up close to Changbin. Changbin didn't mind the cold but absolutely hated how the cold weather would make Felix's freckles to fade and how cold it would make him.

"Cold baby?" He gently ran his fingers through the younger's hair. He nodded and just like that, Changbin picked him up and held him in his lap, wrapping the fuzziest blanket they had around them.

"My poor baby's just so cold hm?" He frowned as he kissed his nose. Felix nodded and nuzzled his face in his neck. "C'mon baby say something~"

The younger whined in response. Changbin poked his sides, watching how he jumped.

"H-Hey!" He whines again. "Don't tickle me meanie.."

"Don't call me mean baby." The older pouts at him.

"You are mean you tickled me!"

"You were being mean to me by not talking so it's fair."

"Hmph." Felix crossed his arms and pouted.

"Don't you pout at me." Changbin pecked his lips, watching him hold back a smile. "Oh- was that a smile?~"


"Oh I think it was Lixie." He kisses him again. "If you smile for me we can take a hot bath and watch movies downstairs~" Changbin smiles. "And we can make rum hot chocolate ~"

If the first part didn't draw Felix in, the last part did. He started to giggle and smile, earning butterfly kisses all over his face.

"That's my giggly baby." He smiles and picked the giggling boy up. He carried him into the bathroom and started running the water, making sure it wasn't too hot for Felix.

"This is good!" The latter smiled once the water was a comfortable temperature. Changbin nodded and let the tub fill up after putting salts in.

Felix took no time to undress and get in. Changbin kisses his head. "I'm going to make our drinks okay?"

The former nodded and pecked his cheek. Changbin first went to set clothes out for Felix so he could dress quickly.

He then went downstairs and turned the stove on, getting ingredients for the hot chocolate. He was about halfway done when he felt tiny hands around his waist.

"Hi pretty baby~" He smiled and patted his head.

"Mmh hi daddy~" The younger smiled, laying his head on Changbin's shoulder.

"I'm almost done if you wanna get blankets and find a show to watch."

Felix nodded and went upstairs, coming back with blankets and stuffed animals. He sets the blankets out and looks for a movie, eventually settling for Disney.

He strolled back over to Changbin and hugged him once more. "You're so warm.." he'd nuzzle against his neck.

Changbin smiled and handed him a mug, the smaller boy squealing with joy. "Maybe that doesn't warm you up inside something else will~" he chuckles.

"I'll be warm with the drink thank you." Felix giggles and took a sip of the drink, getting whipped cream on his face; mostly his nose.

The older shook his head and wiped it off. "Messy boy."

Felix rolled his eyes and brought him to the couch, placing himself in his lap as he pulled a blanket over them. Changbin snaked his arms around his waist and held him close, laying his chin on his shoulder as they started the movie.

Changlix Oneshots(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now