chocolate pudding.

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your pov.
i walked into the hospital; i'd walked through these doors at least a hundred times in the past couple months. bill's room was on the 3rd floor.

i came everyday to see bill. when i wasn't i work, i was here with bill. why? he had stage 5 pancreatic cancer. the doctors caught it late; they said it'd be a miracle if bill survived the year. i had hope that he would beat it. but these last couple days had been bad days; the worst days of his time being sick.

i walked into bill's room. his eyes were closed, and his breathing was slow. i put my jacket and my bag on a chair, i pulled another one to his bed, and sat there with him. i held his hand and kissed it periodically.

after a little while, he woke up. "hey babe." he smiled. "hey. how're you feeling?" i pushed some stray hairs from his face.

"i feel really good. maybe we could go home soon." he stated with another smile. he looked to the tv that was playing. my smile slightly dropped. the doctors said this would happen. he would get a burst of energy shortly before he passed.

"i'm gonna go get some apple juice. you want anything?" i asked him. he thought for a second. "chocolate pudding" he simply smiled. i nodded,"i'll be right back."

i felt tears come to my eyes as i walked to the small kitchenette down the hall. i learned against the fridge and let it all out. i cried and cried. my darling bill would leave me soon. and i couldn't stop it. i grabbed a napkin and wiped my face. i needed to be strong for him. i grabbed a chocolate pudding and my apple juice.

i walked back into the room, and opened his pudding for him. he took several bites. "this is really good." he laughed. i couldn't help but let out a few giggles myself.

"maybe we could go to the top floor? there's a nice little outdoor sitting area up there." i offered. his face seemed to brighten at the thought of leaving this room. "yeah, can we?"

"let me get the nurse." 

within the next 10 minutes, we were on the 6th floors' patio. there was a slight breeze in the air that moved bill's hair softly. he sat in his wheelchair, with another chocolate pudding and a spoon is hand, looking out towards the setting sun. i stared at his face, admiring his gorgeous features. he looked so calm in this moment. i looked out towards the sun, and thought about our years together. 11 great years. i didn't want them to end, ever. 

"i love you." bill said, as he ran his hands through my (h/c) hair. i looked to him, and saw that he had tears in his eyes. i scooted closer to him, and grabbed his face gently. 

"i love you, too. so much." we kissed gently. 

"i know i don't have much longer. and i'm sorry that i won't be here with yo-" he choked out. tears rushed down his face. i kneeled in front of him, and pulled him into a hug. tears fell down my face. 

"don't be sorry, bill. none of this is your fault." we kept our embrace for a couple of minutes. bill is the love of my life. i'll never love someone else the way i love bill. he makes a cloudy day, full of sunshine and happiness. he understands me like no one else. i never want this day to end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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