☆ IV ☆

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That same morning but in the kitchen:
The house's main couple, RM and V are preparing breakfast for the others. RM does most of the cooking and V decorates the plates (lmao tae's plate decorations and the squirrel in that bowl thing had me laughing idek why). They are too busy concentrating and there isn't much talking until V breaks the silence with some news.
'Have you heard of the new couple in the house?' He asks excitedly.
'Ah J-Hope and Jin' RM smiles slightly.
'Oh my god yes! Aren't they just the sweetest thing ever! So basically they were in the sitting room and I was passing-' V enthusiastically talks about how the two started dating while RM just nods and listens. He is happy for them, no doubt, but can't help but feel slight guilt knowing that SUGA had liked Jin and so doesn't show just as much enthusiasm as his boyfriend. Once the food is done, V offers to take it up to the new couple's bedroom which of course they now share.
'Ajsjjajsjjajs ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh how is my favourite duo doing??' He sings, putting the food down on a bed side table. Jin is still asleep on J-Hope's chest and Hope just laughs at the energy and good vibes Tae gives off. Wishing not to disturb Jin's sleeping, V creeps out the room closing the door quietly where he is met by Jimin.
'Ahhh Jimin, have you heard the news?'
'Jin and J-Hope are dating ahhhh'
'Oh my gosh, noo wayyy, that's amazing sjhdjsjd'
The two stand in the hallway holding each other's hands jumping up and down like the fangirls they are. RM walks by and shakes his head laughing at the sight.

Eeeeeeee Tae bringing them good vibes, what a star, but what about RM, is he strong about the new couple?

314 words ( ;∀;)

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