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The families couldn't give more information. They were mainly crying and accusing Jae that he didn't put enough effort in trying to solve this. He was very annoyed at the end of the day and he was more than happy to fall into his bed.

The next day, he and Quinn drove to the station where Mavi and Kane were supposedly waiting. A few cars stood ready to go to the forest. But Mavi and Kane were nowhere to be found.

'Where are they?', Jae asked after a while. 'They should've been here long ago.'

'I don't know.', Quinn answered. 'They were already gone when we left the hotel.'

'I'll go look inside.', Jae sighed. He stepped out of the car they were waiting in and walked into the station. He greeted the receptionist kindly and walked further into the station. Before he entered the office, he stopped in his steps. He could hear them talking from the hallway. Well... talking... they were in a heated conversation.

'It can't be far off!', he heard Mavi hiss at Kane. 'All those people stuck in the eighteenth century! It must be close to the village!'

'If it was close to the village, she would have collected it long ago. No. I think it's hidden somewhere deep in the ground. In a cave, maybe?', Kane continued.

'We must find it quickly, otherwise we'll be doomed. Her powers will continue to grow; I bet that slave of hers is searching every meter of the goddamn land!'

Slave... how fucking dare they!

That was Loona's voice. Jae's eyes widened and he looked around. It was almost as if he heard Loona right beside him. But she wasn't here. How could he have heard her...? He shook his head; this was not important right now. They were going to the forest and see if there would be any victims. He knocked on the door rapidly. Mavi and Kane fell silent immediately – which amused Jae.

'I don't know what you two are planning, and I'd love to know, really. But we have to go now. Everyone is waiting for you two. So, hurry up.', He heard Kane whisper; 'Oh, that bastard.', but he just turned around and walked back to the cars.

He was still wondering how he could hear Loona's voice...

When he got in the car, Mavi and Kane joined just a minute after. Quinn started the engine and drove away.

'What are we searching for?', Quinn asked when they got closer and closer to the woods.

'Bodies.', Mavi answered. 'Most of the bodies have been found in the woods. We think that someone ambushes them there.'

Would Loona really hide in the woods before attacking them? No. She wouldn't put that much effort in it, for sure. She would take their life from her safe home. Jae admitted that he would also do that if he was in Loona's shoes. He looked outside as they drove further and further.

Not soon after they arrived into the woods. They parked the cars and got out, Mavi and Kane leading everybody into the woods, with Jae and Quinn close to them.

'I wonder why she would kill...', Quinn said. They had been walking for a while but hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary. 'I mean- she's a witch! Wouldn't she have a good reason to kill people.'

'She denies every charge of murder.', Jae grumbled. That was a lie. She didn't deny anything, in fact.

'You need to pry it out of her!', said Mavi. 'I am a hundred percent sure that it was her!', Oh... if only she knew.

As they continued walking, Jae noticed that it became darker. The trees stood closer to each other and at one point, they had to walk around every tree on their path.

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