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It's now our second year.

Luna and I have written quite a lot. She's such an interesting individual.

She has such a unique way of thinking.

As we sat in our compartment on the train, I stare out the window.

I like to watch the trees pass.

It distracts me from the real world, like these feelings I have.

I know that it isn't a bad thing, but I like girls.

And not just any girls. Luna Lovegood.

She doesn't know. Nobody does. And I'd like to keep it that way.


                          ~At Hogwarts~

We are sitting at the Ravenclaw table and listen as Dumbledore gives his speech.

He is very interesting. I like him.

Luna, Padma, Michael, Terry, and I watch as he introduces our DADA teacher for the year.

Professor Lupin. I don't think he will make it till next year. As do some of my housemates. They not-so-subtly make bets underneath the table. I let a small smile slip from my lips as I see Luna make a bet as well.


~One Month Later~

Now back in the common room, Luna is reading. The Quibbler to be exact. Though, she is reading it upside down.

Silly girl.

But so am I.

A silly girl.

"Oh, Y/n! Come over here with me!" Luna says in a sing-song voice.

I stand up from my seat where I was watching her and walk over to the couch where she lay.

Luna pats the seat beside her as she sits up. I sit next to her and watch as she turns back to her magazine.

She then starts to read aloud in that dreamy voice of hers.

We do this almost every night.

Read to each other.

We read until our eyelids are droopy or someone loudly stalks into the common room to accidentally interrupt us.

I lay my head on her shoulder and read the words in my mind as she reads them aloud.

We didn't get very far that night.

"Y/N DIGGORY AND LUNA LOVEGOOD!" A voice bellowed.

I knew that voice.

Ginny Weasley.

"Ginevra, how did you get into our common room?" I say while turning my head to look at her.

"Don't call me Ginevra, Y/n. As for the riddle, I got it right." She says with a smug look.

"You're lying." I say simply.

She must've got another Ravenclaw to solve the riddle.

"Yeah, you're right," She says while sitting on the chair across from us. "Anyways, that's not while I'm here."

"Professor Lupin is finally doing boggarts with the second years. Don't ask me how I know that." She says while putting up her finger to silence me as I try to speak.

Professor Lupin had done boggarts with third years and above because he didn't think that we were ready to face such a creature. Now after a few months of perfecting spells, he must think we're ready.

"So, what do you think yours will be?" She asks Luna and I.

"Hmm, maybe nargles!" Luna says with excitement in her voice.

"I'm not sure, maybe one of you guys dying. I haven't put much thought into it." I tell them.

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow!" Ginny says, obviously quite excited.


Luna and I walk side by side to the DADA classroom to start our first lesson of the day.

Ginny spots us as we step into the classroom and waves us over to our usual seats would usually be. They have been pushed against the walls for our lesson today.

"Now class," Professor Lupin says. "We are going to be facing a boggart. Third years and above have already faces these creatures as you know, but I didn't think you were quite ready. Now it is quite obvious you have improved and are ready. So, what is the spell that repels the boggart?"

"Riddikulus!" The whole class says at once with the exception of a few classmates.

"Perfect!" Professor Lupin says while clapping his hands together. "Now, get in a line! We will now face the boggart!"

I stand in line behind Ginny and in front of Luna.


I'm not sure what my boggart will be and I'm scared.

Professor Lupin opens the closet door and releases the boggart. The girl who is in the front of the line stares fearful at the biggest as it turns into a bear.

"Wand at the ready! Go!" Professor Lupin yells as he puts on the record player in the corner of the room.

"Ridikkulus!" She yells,

The boggart suddenly turns into a teddy bear.

We all laugh and watch as she retreats to the back of the line.

Two people closer.

Ginny's fear was Harry saying that he hated her, which some of the class thought to be funny.

Soon enough I'm at the front.

"Prepare yourself." Professor Lupin says gently.

The boggart spins and stops in front of me.


"You're disgusting, liking girls." She scoffs out.

Next Ginny appears and says the same thing.

Then Cedric.

Then Ron.

Then the Weasley twins.

Then Harry.

I feel a hot tear roll down my face as I hold up my wand.

"Ri- Ridikulus!" I say with a stutter.

All of the people that called me disgusting are now in clown costumes.

The room is silent.

"Class dismissed." Professor Lupin says quietly.

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