£p1 Erin

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Erin duck , do it now Ichigo" a voice yelled as huge chunks of the ground that were engulfed in black flames were being thrown everywhere as I did saw my sister Paige as the lava that encased her starting to come off her and Ichigo made a wall to protect us.
Ok for you to understand how we got in this really bad situation I'll have to take you all the way back to the beginning.

I was just a normal guy as I walked home from work with my sister as we did I was randomly stabbed in the back as I was on the verge of death was then hit by a car after I was finally died then awoke and saw I was sitting at a coffee table with a young woman who name was Haru she told me that she was a goddess , then said "I've died , but you have options first you can either go to Heaven or Hell depending on how you've treated other etc or your second opinion be reincarnated in another world" after Haru spoke I just grinned and nodded since I wasn't good at talking with people especially girls after I did Haru spoke as she opened a gate " so it shall be done, just know this world won't be like the former world you knew " after Haru opened the gate I walked through it after I did herd a girl saying scared " wake up Erin, you have to wake up now after she spoke then ran away in a panic after she smelt smoke. After she did I sat up still asleep a little as Erin said to himself " so my name is Erin which must mean I've been Isukai after dying , this is gonna be fun" thought to myself as I thought was gathering my bearings noticed he was wearing several wrist bands on both of his  which were made from rope as well one on his right wrist after

was wearing several wrist bands on his left hand and right hand made from rope three on both Erin wrist as well a rubber one on his right wrist after he did a girl walked in who was on fire as she tried to punch Erin as she did and Erin was dodging said " who the Hell are you" , she said " don't you remember it's me your sister Paige this my appearance I take when I'm using my powers as a Slayer on myself , also when I say it's time for breakfast , I expect the whole family to be downstairs , as she spoke managed to grab my left arm burning it as well breaking it then let me go , now get downstairs" after Paige stopped using her powers while Erin was in pain from what Paige did was in aw when he saw Paiges appearance after she quit using her power's looked almost looked identical to his younger sister from his previous life minus the multiple tattoos going down the left side of her neck to both her shoulder and shoulder blade also the broken heart earrings he made her , as well being abusive , but her hair was spot on both her hair it was a sliver color as well length went down to her thighs as Erin was felt his left arm start to not hurt looked at it and saw red whiteish flames engulfed his arm as it had regenerated good as new after Erin touched it to see it was the ligament article walked down stair behind Paige to a kitchen where another girl was eating stopped when we walked in and said " brother Erin" as she tackled me made the ground shake a little as well knew her name some how "thanks for trying to wake me up,Ichigo after we got up asked Paige " hey I have a question Paige why do we all have these abilities" she chuckled then spoke as she got herself and me some of the breakfast that she made , Erin you and everyone else want to know why to that's the world greatest enigma of how a person is born or is not born a Slayer that what researchers have come up with , it has to do with something in a individual when their born which is called a Elemental Soul which resides in every Slayer own Soul when awakened it manifest in the form of any logical element fire and water etc to the illogical / scientific like yours and mine fire your is called Phoenix fire which enables you to heal any injuries minor or life threatening to as well granting users like you immortality it's also called the cursed flame cause of its immortality characteristics but since your is white the flame is actually is called the Divine Phoenix unfortunately it weakness is that it's user combat skill is low and mine is called volcanic arsenal fire cause it allows the user to encase themself or things in lava and manipulate lava or flames into weapon but some require a catalyst to make weapons but my flame is the opposite of yours it defense is very low which mean the user can only be encased in lava for a short time but can take quite a beating to a certain point then it starts burning them and coming off their body , as well Ichigo she has a different element as you could surmise when the ground shook just now when she tackled you Erin that was Ichigo's ability is Earth it allows her to cause either Tremors or Earth quakes as well turn into earth or sand for a certain time or a parts of her body ....... also listen carefully even though your immortal Morgan le Fay the DemonKing and her elite men that are Slayers that are traders who've all been Corrupted by the power given to them are now called Dark Slayer their noticeable by their clothing as well will be can nullify it as well slow the process of your healing" after Paige was done talking the three of us finished eating after we did I cleaned our dishes after I did sat outside and just thought to myself " Haru what kinda weird ass place have you sent me to" as I did herd a explosion.

After Erin ran inside to tell both Paige and Ichigo saw Paige was holding a sword of fire had materialize from a hot cole and Ichigo turned her arms to stone after Erin did Paige stabbed her sword into the ground then hugged me than gave Erin a peck on the check after she did picked Ichigo up after Paige did Ichigo did the same thing as Paige was putting Ichigo down several more explosions as we did Paige spoke dammit we didn't have enough time"...... as there were more explosions Erin asked "what's going on" , " their here for you" , " wait you mean that DemonKing guy men" , " cause those who wilds the white flame of the Divine Phoenix can copy other powers and possible beat and over through her as well can change the world , after Paige spoke as they were Erin grabbed them both "no I'm not gonna let you both die Paige and Ichigo" after I stopped them Paige hit Erin knocking him out as she did and laid him on the floor kissed my forehead so did Ichigo after we kissed Erin forehead herd her say you've always been greedy that's always been your worse quality , then I completely lost consciousness as Paige opened a trap door then through him down it , are you sure about this Ichigo" after Paige spoke Ichigo just shook her head then spoke " if it's to protect big brother Erin" as they then began to leave as they did Paige grabbed Ichigo from behind she was then put in a head lock as Ichigo was loosing consciousness herd Paige faintly apologize sorry little sister but we can't have him morning the death of both of as she was loosing consciousness finally after Ichigo did Paige put her down the same trap door Erin went through.

As Paige was walking out of our house saw a figure in the distance holding the body of a Slayer they killed while Paige did engulfed her sword in lava after she did burned down our house with lava after she did while she was walking said mentally " I never said it because cause you're to young but your the key to Ichigo , to help Erin cope with my death as well help him from loosing control of his new powers he'll obtain " after she did ran towards the figure as Paige did the figure dropped the body then ran at Paige as they started running at each other Paige threw balls of fire and lava as she was the figure disappeared leaving a few sparks Paige then stopped throwing fire and lava balls then the figure said as it was behind Paige
" you know it's pointless protecting him"
after they spoke Paige turned around to see a young woman wearing a white cloak and bird mask after Paige did spoke to the masked figure
" so the DemonKing has sent one of her elite hunting dogs a Dark Slayer one of us who kills our kind to make sure , I see you've finally mastered your ability of moving at the speed of lightning aunt Grigorio , you're the one person I never thought she'd have them send you to kill Erin , so let me guess if we let you kill him , she'll forgive mine and Ichigo for protecting him and let us join the Dark Slayers ya right .......... then cut her neck then stabbed the sword in the ground as her neck was beginning to bleed , you can tell the DemonKing she'll be seeing me in Hell , now erupt" after Paige spoke the sword browned brewed into the ground making a volcano start to erupt as it did Paige began to coughing up blood as she did the lava that burned down and encased our house started to glow white as it did the lava began bubbling as Paige said "you idiot" as the rest of the ground was being engulfed in lava both Paige and Grigorio dodged as they did Erin walked out of the wreckage that use to be our house then stopped the volcano

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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