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   Just a normal day and another day at work. I make my way over to my desk. My case Files lay in a neat stack untouched from the Friday before. I noticed a few more stacks. "Fuck" I whispered. I dropped my bag in my chair.

I picked up the files and read the note on it. "Thanks Alice, I need these processed by noon :) -boss" I put down the files and rested my head in my hands. So many deadlines.

People started pouring into the office. There's Agent Walzouzki a 6, Agent Smith a 5. Everyone in the office doesn't have a very high number but I'd expect these numbers from FBI agents. The highest I've seen from anyone was a 9. A serial killer last summer. David Bowler, murder 4 families. anyways today, today I would find there was someone worse.

I was told that there would be a new guy in today and I was anxiously waiting to see his number walk in the door. And when he did I wasn't expecting him to be anymore dangerous than anyone in the office maybe a 5, 6, or 7. But when he walked in that door my jaw dropped. 

The number 10 floated over his head. My boss, Jim walked over to him and shook his hand and started walking my way. I was confused and a little bit scared but I knew I was safe in a room full of armed men and women. He was also an agent which meant he had a gun too.   

I started sweating and thinking of all the ways this could go wrong. I tell myself maybe he's not gonna hurt anyone, maybe I shouldn't be judging by his number, maybe he's harmless. Jim and the new guy walk over to my desk. I pretended to ignore them.

"Alice this is Agent Torino. I'd like you to help him get settled in and get the works of the place down before he starts on his own." Jim looks at me in a way that says if you say no you'll lose your job. So naturally I said "Sure" and looked at the guy and smiled. He smiled back, it was weird. The smile wasn't scary or intimidating it was nice. I stopped myself from thinking too much about it, so confused.

"Good!" Jim said smiling "I'll leave you two, to it then." Jim shook his hand one more time and patted him on the back and walked away. The agent stood there nervously looking around the office. I stood up shut my computer off and fixed my shirt.

"Um a before we start I need to run over to our network specialist and I'll be right back just have a seat and I'll be back in like 10 minutes." I picked up my cards and sped walked over to agent Seaward's office.

Her office was dark and full of different sized monitors. She sat in her chair typing away like a mad women. "Hey Seaward?" She jumped and looked at me "What can I do for my beautiful Agent Alice?"

She turned in her chair to face me with the biggest smile, the number 3 floated over her head. She was maybe the least dangerous person in the office she was just our techie, she wasn't authorized to carry a gun. "Can you run a background check on Agent Torino?" I smiled nervously and caught myself fumbling with my fingers. "Oh is this one of your marvelous hunches?" She turned and started typing ."No, no just curious that's all." She shook her head too focused on the screens in front of her, pulling tabs from one screen to the other opening windows and typing in codes. I saw his file pop up she read it off for me.

"Names Micheal J. Torino, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1992, graduated from West Lafayette high-school with amazing grades, served 2 tours in Afghanistan, has 3 year old daughter named Jessica, mother died in a fatal car accident by a drunk driver 2 years ago, with 1 year old Jessica in the car. Moved to Quantico 2 months ago, with no prior arrest records. He's squeaky clean my fair Alice." She turned and laced her fingers over her lap and smiled clearly proud of her work. I thanked her and walked out.

How could he be so dangerous...? Maybe his tours in Afghanistan..?. His rage toward the drunk driver? I walked down the hall mumbling to myself. He was still waiting at my desk chatting up with another agent clearly passing the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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