Christmas Day

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A few hours later, Henry and Lewis stumble down the stairs that they had gone up in their costumes. Now, though, they're wearing proper clothes and they're ready for the day. 

The living room is full of children, all ready to open their presents. When the care workers catch sight of the boys, they give the go ahead to open the presents. A few presents get passed to Lewis. There's even one for Henry! 

Some of the children look confused when they see Lewis' presents to them. They look at him. All Lewis says is: 

"Merry Christmas." 

After a Christmas dinner, Henry says that he's meeting up with his friends. He asks Lewis along. Lewis decides to go. 

Henry travels towards the park where they gave out food to the people. Lewis sees a group of boys throwing snowballs. Henry runs towards them, making a snowball as he goes. He manages to hit one of the boys and they all cheer. Lewis walks slowly towards them. "This is Lewis." Henry introduces him. "He's Santa." Lewis gives a small smile. 

"Are you going to join in then?" One of them asks. Lewis makes a snowball and aims it at Henry. It finds its target and Henry cries out as the snow goes down his neck. Lewis and the other boys laugh. Lewis thinks that this will be fun. 

Later on in the afternoon, they make their way back to the care home. "You can come in, you know." Lewis says as he says goodbye to Henry and his new friends. 

"We'd better get back home." Henry says. "But thanks anyway." Lewis smiles and Henry and his friends start to walk away.

"Henry!" Lewis calls after them. Henry stops and tells his friends to keep going. He jogs back to Lewis. 


"Thank you."

"It was my pleasure to make you like Christmas." Henry answered. 

"Merry Christmas." Lewis says. 

"Merry Christmas" Henry says. 

Lewis watches Henry walk away. Maybe he does like Christmas now. He's managed to make new friends this year and all because of Christmas. Maybe it isn't that bad. Maybe, thanks to Henry, Lewis might actually start to like Christmas. This is probably a good thing because he has to dress up as Santa again next year for Rachel. Lewis smiles as he sees the other children playing with their new toys. He smiles with true happiness. "Merry Christmas everyone." He mutters. 

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