Surprises and Coffee

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Hey Tro (: x

Troye's phone buzzed loudly, causing him to jump and knock his laptop off his lap. It was a message from a certain coffee addict, one who he happened to be really close with. So close, in fact, that Troye may have had a teeny tiny crush on him.

Heyyy Con c: x

Almost instantly, Troye got a reply. 

Are you busy? I wanna skype you x

Troye absolutely loved skype calls with Connor. They generally lasted for hours and hours, as if they were actually together and not just communicating through a screen. He smiled at his phone; a chat with Con seemed like a good idea.

Sure, call me now if you'd like xx

"Shit" Troye said out loud. What if Connor noticed the two kisses? What if he gave away his crush? What if he didn't feel the same way? 

However, Troye couldn't wonder about those what ifs any longer, because his laptop was ringing with the skype call from Connor.

"Hey, Connor!" Troye was so happy to see him; it had actually been a while since they last skyped.

"Hey Troye boy! I got some news" Connor looked really pleased. "I have a plane ticket and I'm coming to visit you!"

"Oh my god, no way Con!" Troye was so excited to see Connor again, it had literally been about a year since they were last together.

"Yeah, I'm flying out later today, so I'll be with you soon." Connor had a huge grin on his face; he was obviously as excited as Troye was. "Okay, well I gotta go pack now, I'll see you sooooooooooon"

"See ya later Connor!"

Connor disconnected the call, and Troye was just sat there, internally screaming. His best friend, who also happened to be his crush, was flying out to see him. Who knows what would happen?

*fast forward to when Connor arrives in Perth*

As soon as Troye saw Connor in the airport, he ran as fast as he could over to him, and jumped into his arms.

"Connor! You're here! I missed you so much!" Troye hugged Connor as tight as he could, then let go once he remembered there were people surrounding them. "Sorry, I'm just so happy you're here!"

"Hey Troye! I missed you too" Connor grinned, but he looked really tired. He had been on a plane for hours, after all.

"Let's go back to my place so you can rest, okay?"

The pair drove to Troye's house, talking endlessly about what they had been up to, and exchanging far too many flirty winks for it to just be a friendly joke. It was only around midday, so they decided that Connor would shower and change, then they would head out for coffee.

Troye and Connor arrived at the local Starbucks, and once they had both gotten their coffees they sat in a small booth in the corner, out of sight from nearly everyone else. Not that there were many other people, the store was practically empty for once. It was silent, and Troye's heart was pounding in his chest, waiting for Connor to say something that would break the tense atmosphere.

"Troye, I kinda want to tell you something. I've been desperate to tell you for so long, but it didn't seem right just over a skype call. I wanted to tell you face to face, that's one of the reasons I'm here." Connor was slightly leant over the table, his voice low.

"What is it?" Troye was scared, he had no idea what Connor could have been talking about; it could have been absolutely anything.

"Troye, I've fallen for someone. And I've fallen hard.”

Those words were the ones that momentarily broke Troye's heart. It wasn't him he liked, of course it wasn't. Now Troye had to pretend to be happy for him, and keep his true feelings covered up.

“Who is it then? Who’s the lucky guy?” Troye’s voice was cracking, barely audible, his eyes tearing up. He didn’t even realise he was slightly leaning forward, just like Connor was. Their faces were merely inches apart, and then suddenly, they were touching.

Connor’s lips smashed against Troye’s gently, but full of passion.  His lips were soft, with the lingering taste of coffee. Troye didn’t kiss back at first, he was shocked and confused. Why was Connor kissing him if he liked somebody? Then he realised, that somebody was him. They had both fallen for each other, and it felt amazing.

It was all over as suddenly as it had begun; Connor pulled away with a shy smile on his face. “Does that answer your question?”

And all Troye responded with was his lips reconnecting with Connor’s.


Hey, so here's my first oneshot! I posted it on tumblr a day or two ago & idk i felt ike making a thing on here so I did 

if you have any requests, message me, comment, or dm me on twitter @lazytronnor and I'll do my best I guesssssss

but yea thanks for reading & have a good day / night (:

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