I Missed You

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So today was the day Troye was flying back to LA. He’d only been gone for a couple of days, but it felt like forever. He had been lucky enough to be a model in Paris fashion week, and he still wasn’t over that himself. But anyway, he was immensely excited to be back in LA again, mainly because he got to see his boyfriend again.

Connor had missed Troye so much; they had texted and called each other at every spare moment they had, and he couldn’t help but think about how amazing it would be to see him again. He could tell Troye how proud he was, how amazing he had done. His very own boyfriend: singer-songwriter, actor, youtuber and model.

Troye had packed all of his things, and he said goodbye to his hotel room as he checked out and took a taxi to the airport. Paying the driver a stupid amount of money for the short ride, all he could think about was how in less than 24 hours, he would be in Connor’s arms. It felt like so long since they had last seen each other, although it was only a few days. Troye noticed that his flight wasn’t for an hour and a half yet, so he went into the airport’s Starbucks, ordering his and Connor’s favourite drink.  He spent the wait scrolling through twitter and tumblr, following a few people here and there, responding to some messages, and then the call came over the intercom “can passengers on the next flight to Los Angeles go to the boarding area please”.

Troye grabbed his suitcase and coffee and headed to the boarding area, waiting until he was allowed onto the plane. He ended up sat by himself, so he settled into his seat and stared out of the window at the quickly-moving scenery. He couldn’t help but daydream about Connor; how protective his arms felt wrapped around him when they cuddled, how soft his lips felt when they gently grazed across his skin, the tickle of his breath on his cheek as he whispered how much he loved him into his ear. Troye fell asleep, with these thoughts injected into his dreams.

An air hostess started shaking Troye awake, a lipsticky grin plastered on her face. “Sir, the plane has landed. We’re in Los Angeles now.” He thanked the stewardess, and she left him alone. Troye nearly ran off the plane in excitement, the mere thought that in less than an hour he would be reunited with Connor made him ecstatic.

He got through to baggage claim as quickly as he could, irritated at how slow the conveyor was taking to produce his suitcase. It was just his luck that it was the very last one, and everybody around him had already left. Troye let out a frustrated sigh, and then felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around, and Connor was there grinning, his arms wide open. Troye jumped into them excitedly, hugging the other boy as tight as humanly possible.

“I missed you so freaking much” Connor whispered into his ear.

“I missed you so much more” Troye teasingly whispered back.

They pulled away reluctantly, and then a smirk washed over Troye’s face. He grabbed at Connor’s collar and forcefully pulled him towards him, crashing their lips together. He was hungry for the taste of the older boy’s lips, the feel of his hands all over his body. He wanted it, and he wanted it now.

However, they happened to be in an airport, and Troye suddenly remembered that. All in good timing really, seeing as he was just about to unbutton Connor’s shirt.

“We need to get home.” Was all Troye said, before he grabbed Connor’s hand and dragged him to where the car was parked outside.

Needless to say, the drive home was painful, more so for Troye than Connor. He had been craving his boyfriend since he had been away, and he was just minutes away from fixing the huge problem that had formed, specifically in his pants.

As soon as they walked into Connor’s apartment, Troye had him slammed up against the door, their lips colliding with great force.

“I missed you so fucking badly” Troye growled. “Just let me show you how much I mean.”

And of course, that’s exactly what he did.


hey, so I wrote this earlier but I've only just posted it on tumblr, that's where I post all my one-shots and stuff first so if you wanna follow  its @lazytronnor

if you have any feedback or something then comment bc i'd like to know

thanks for reading (and voting/commenting if you did) !!

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