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Hello everyone!

Wow, I have not updated this book with a legitimate chapter in at least a year.

Sadly, I don't think I will be continuing this book. I love writing, but I'm trying to branch out from just fanfiction.

I also kind of lost interest in the WDW boys during their *ahem* hiatus. I didn't want a
repeat-mental-breakdown for myself over another band, and kind of drifted from the fandom.

I still love, follow, and support the boys but I just won't be writing about them anymore.

I will be marking this book as completed, because although it isn't truly finished, I've never marked a book "completed" before, so it would be a big step for me.

I will keep this book up for anyone who stills reads, and will still remain active on this account, but I don't think I'll publish anymore parts on this book.

Love to you all,


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