Savior of USJ Egyptian god of Death

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Midoriya Residence New York NY
After The Claim And Custody Of Izuku Midoriya Hisashi And His Wife Meredith Were Sending Izuku To School The UA High School In Brooklyn NY
After He Passed the Test Izuku Remembers the Torture From Izumi And Her Friends He Couldn't Forgive Them For Bullying At School And At Home The Monster That Izumi And Her Friends Made Was Themselves
Izuku Midoriya Had Moved in New York and Stayed with His Dad Changed School From Japan to America Where Izuku Learned That His Dad Was The Number One Hero Dragon King And He Has Finally Been Thinking About What His Dad And His New Mom Meredith Told Him About Going to UA In America Because If he Stayed in Japan Then His Ex wife Inko Will Bother Him Again Then He Told Him About His Love Of His life Ochako and Momo And Mina He Wanted To Tell Them Of What Happened During His Childhood So He Called Ochako's Mom About What Happened

Izuku: Hi Mrs. Uraraka How Are you And Your Husband

Mrs. Uraraka: Hi Izuku How Are You Doing I Hear You Are In America Because Of The Incident That Happened In Musutafu Japan I'm Sorry That You Got Mistreated From Your Former Family Everything Is Going Good How Are You Doing In America

Izuku: I'm Fine Just Little Sore From The Beating From Kaccan
And His Twin And Shoka And Shoto Did Something Happened When I Move To America Since My Former Family Forget about Me I want to know About Ochako How Did She Take About My Departure From Japan To America

Mrs.Uraraka: She Was Happy And Sad For You She's Happy That You Are In America Living with Your Parents And Sad That You're Not In Japan Anymore Because Of What Izumi And Her Friends Did To You But She Can See You At The Entrance Exam At The UA High School Right

Izuku" Yes I am I'll See Her At The UA Exam And The Girls At The UA exam Ok Bye Miss. Uraraka

Mrs. Uraraka: Ok Bye Izuku I'll Let Ochako Know That You Called

After Izuku Called His Crush's Mom He's Been Sad Since He Had To Get Away From His Torment From His Family Speaking Of His Family Let's Check On The Family That Tormented Izuku

Yagi Residence Musutafu Japan
It's Been A Years Since Izuku Midoriya Left Japan And Went To America To live with His Dad Inko Hasn't Stop Crying She Failed Him As A Mother And Toshinori As a Father And Izumi As A Sister They Been Thinking About What Hisashi Told Inko About Their Son

Flashback Started

You Are No Mother To Him Inko You're Responsible For Your Daughter's Behavior And Let Her Bullies Izuku Said Hisashi

Hisashi I Didn't Know That Izumi Was Bullying Izuku With Katsuki And Katsumi And Shoto Shoka I Want To Visit Izuku Said Inko

You Lost That Right When You Started To Neglect Izuku When He Was 8 Years Old You And Your Husband Are Responsible For Everything to Izuku He Doesn't Even Want You In His Life Anymore inko Thanks to you and your husband and daughter are the worst family that izuku had Said hisashi

Flashback End

her ex husband was right she and her family were responsible for izuku's existence just for fame and money plus he wanted to be hero to smile it's all izumi's and toshinori's and bakugo and todorokis twin's fault for bully izuku their recommendations were revoked by their parents and principal so Izumi And Bakugos And Todorokis Went to therapy for everyday and punishment for being the child who is Quirkless Then Nezu and Pro heroes did investigation on the middle school that Izuku and the Bakugos twin went After Their investigation is Done They Discovered that Izuku Was Bullied By His Classmates and Some of the teacher They Closed Down The Middle School and The Quirkless People Comes to the UA for Quirkless thanks to the Evidence that hisashi send to the musutafu court after reviewing the evidence the court of musutafu decided that the discrimination against Quirkless people was wrong they put a new law that states if any people discriminating people who are Quirkless will arrested especially for the heroes so they follow the law that can be arrested for discrimination against anyone who was Quirkless

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