All In The Past

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(A/N: Short update but other is on its way...) 

Everyone had lunch after Beam's mother woke up.

Beam's mother told them about her past. Beam's mother and Maya were best friends since they were kids. They were always together. It was as if they were inseparable.

During their last year of college, Maya got pregnant with her boyfriend. And in the next year she had a son. Maya's boyfriend left her after hearing the news and Beam's mother helped Maya. Beam's mother helped Maya to talk about her condition with her parents too. Beam's mother was always there to take care of Maya and her son as Maya's son was not so healthy since the beginning.

Beam's mother was babysitting Maya's three month old son as Maya was out shopping. Maya's son hit his head on table while playing and bleeding a lot. Beam's mother took Maya's son to hospital but it was too late.

Maya blamed Beam's mother for killing her son. Maya was taken to another country by her parents after that incident.

Beam's mother always felt bad for it. But the memory faded as time passed by. Never did Beam's mother think that Maya would return back to her life only to kill him silently by taking him in confidence and pursuing him to take drugs which will affect Beam slowly.


"Thanks, Phana, Kit, Forth." Beam's mother said after finishing her story. "I never knew my mistakes from the past can hurt my son so badly. I would never have realised had you not informed me. When Beam stopped talking with us, I thought that Beam was just being stubborn and he needed his space." She wiped her tears as she looked at her son.

"Parents like us, who let their kids stay away from them for studies or other reasons think that they are giving the space that their kids need. They let their kids live the freedom they never had." Beam's father said.

"And we failed to perform our duty as parents. We never visited Beam. We thought that our kid is doing well on his own. We didn't take a hint when he suddenly stopped talking to us..."

Beam's mother said while still crying.

"Sorry Mom, Dad..." Beam said while sobbing. His father hugged him.

"It's not entirely your fault Beam. Maybe it's our mistake that we failed to understand you. And maybe, if we had always had a good talk, things could have been different. We didn't realize the gap between us that was getting bigger and bigger. We thought that your sister is doing well on her own and so we assumed you too...." said Beam's father.

"It's good that you have best friends like Kit and Phana who can scold you when you're wrong. Always remember... The one who pushes you for your best, supports you with your dreams and scolds you when you're wrong is your best friend. And my Beam is lucky to have two of them." Beam's father looked at Kit and Phana.

"I don't need you to tell me who Forth is to you, Beam. We already know. And we will not stop you from having someone in your life who is strong enough to deal with you." All laughed.

"Dadddd..." Beam whined.

"Our son is a real gem that we would never ever want to lose and thanks Pha and Kit for being our crazy son's parents when we're not around." Beam's father said.

"Beam is important for us too, Uncle. He has been our support system too when we needed him" Said Kit.

"And it was he who made both of us realise that love is not about the gender. He made me realise my love for Yo and Kit for Ming." Phana said.

Beam was looking hopefully at Forth to say something about him. Forth just winked at Beam and he turned red.


(A/N: I hope you like it...)

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