Not the best thing to happen.

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Liam's POV


I had stayed at the airport all night. Luckily we were staying her to do a few more shows so it was okay. 

Everyone else had come and gone once the show was over. Kathy had gone with them. I wouldn't be leaving until I knew she was okay. 

'Liam Payne?' A nurse asked. 

'That's me' I answered. 

'Follow me.' She said and I did as I was told. 

'Now Liam, Katie won't be able to hear you. We don't know how long her being deaf will last. She had it in her genes but the noise level of the concert pushed the gene to the edge. We have done a few tests and she cannot hear a thing so just be kind to her. I have given her a notepad and a pen for her to right with. I'm sorry' The nurse told me as we walked to Katie's room. I nodded. 


Katie was deaf?

I walked into her room and she looked up at me. She looked like she had been crying. I couldn't blame her. 

I was about to talk but then I remembered she wouldn't be able to hear me. 

'Hey Liam' She said. I walked over to her and took the pen and notepad from her. 

I wrote down on it 'Hey'

'I'm sorry I ruined your concert' She told me. 

'You didn't ruin it. It wasn't your fault' I wrote. 

'Liam...' She said as if she wanted to ask something.

'Yes?' I wrote down. 

'Will I ever be able to dance again?' She asked. I was taken by surprise. I hadn't thought about that. 

'You will always be able to dance. Your ears do not affect your dance' I wrote down. Not sure if that is what she wanted to here. 

'Ears are very important in dance liam. If I can't hear the beat. I won't be in time.' She told me. 

'No matter what, you will always be the best dancer to me' I wrote and then she stopped talking and just cried. 

I hugged her as she cried feeling as though there wa nothing else I could do

Sorry it is Short guys. YOu juast needed short one's for what happened

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