Nice home

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After a long travel ive made it to my new home.

A homestead with a small town really close but it feels like i have ended up at the wrong place. As I walk throue the small town the people living there gives me really weird looks. As a walk there i notice something that looks like a tavern and decide to walk in.

As i walk in most if the people look over to me as if I was the freak of the room. Most of the people did there things but some had the suspisus eyes to them. I walk over to a man sitting by him self with a chekerd board.

"Fancy a game ?" said the man "sure why not" I respons to him. After a while of playing I put down my last piece and win.

"I really don't like losing not a little pit at all" says the man as he reaches into his back pocket and pull out something shine.

"Well if you're gonna be that way then let's go" I say as I pick up the board and hit him with it making him fall on the floor and getting most of the peoples attention.

Some of the people reacted to this in surprise but some where hostile.

"Hey what was that for?" Said one of them in there.
"You should know how we deal with trouble makers here but for a short description it's not gonna be pretty".

"Well then" I say "I'll just have to feed you you're own teeth then".

Some of the people jump but I just block,punch, throw them into tables and use chars to hit them with till they are unconscious.

"Well what did I tell I would do" I say to myself as I look around the room till the door opens and a person walks in.

"Well what did I tell I would do" I say to myself as I look around the room till the door opens and a person walks in

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???:What the fuck happened here?

"H-he did i-it" says the man behind the counter.

"Ugh can you take care of him Noi?" she says as another women walks in except this one is huge.

"Ugh can you take care of him Noi?" she says as another women walks in except this one is huge

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???:Sure thing have been waiting for a fight.

She runs at but I dash out of the way.

???:Hey man stand still I want fight.

She runs at me again but I dashes once again away.

(Y/N mind):Fuck that one woman that seems to be the boss is blocking that way and then it's Shia one chasing me.

I look around till a see a window and decides that is gonna be my escape.
I slide under the big one and get jumps to break the window but as I'm in the air I feel something grabbing my leg.

"Got you" says the big one and throws me on the ground then picks me up and punches me in the face so I fly straight into the wall.

My back fells broken and my nose is bleeding.
The boss women walks over to and removes my hood. "Who are you?" She says to me.
"It's ah.... *spits* Mister Piss off" the big one looks like she's gonna punch me again but the boss kneels down to me and takes a long look at me.

"You must be Y/N" The boss lady says "I'm Marie and this is.." she says as the big one cuts her of "I'm Noi and I'm sorry for Bering you up but I was expecting you to be better to be honest". She says as she rubs the back for her head.

"Well you should go to the homestead and get settled in I'll get someone to fix this" says Marie.

Y/N:Small problem with that.

Marie:Hu what is it?

"I think my back I broken" says as I try to stand up. "Well that's not gonna be a problem I'll carry you" says Noi as she picks me up and runs of to the homesteads.


I know I've been gone and this is quite short but I've been having and is gone have more national test in school so that is something but I'm working the next part so hopefully it will be out as soon as possible.

Assassin in a hero world (Assassin male reader X Fem BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now