Frat Boys Make Good Girls Cry [3]

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CHAPTER THREE: First Kisses and Many Disses

            "How about we go upstairs?" Devin's alcohol breath whispered in my ear as his hands roamed my body.

            What am I doing? I'm not a slut. This is not me, at all! Did I really think that grinding with Devin was going to get rid of my feelings for Connor? No, it never has and it never will.

            Devin started trailing kisses up my neck.

            I took a breath in and pushed him off of me.

            Devin's drunken face turned into a frown, "Come on babe."

            "How about you go get me a drink and we'll get out of here," I said making up an excuse to make a run for it, while my hands touched his toned chest and smirked. With guys, they just need a push.

            "Sounds good," Devin grinned and left into the crowd of people.

            Time to find Serena, which I haven't seen since I came here. I looked over the people and squeezed myself through the couples having a lot of, uh, fun. Where the hell is she?

            "Hey there," a surfer guy screamed over the loud blasting of LMFAO, "can you do me a favour?"

            "If it's sex, no,"

            He grinned, "That would be nice, but that wasn't what I was going to ask."

            "Oh okay then shoot,"

            "Well there's this annual whip cream eating contest," he started, "Want to be my partner?"

            I don't know if it was the alcohol or, no I'm pretty sure it was the alcohol that made me agree.

            I nodded and he took my hand guiding me through the crowd, "I'm Brody by the way."


            Before I knew it, he has somehow gotten me out of my dress and now licking whipped cream off of me. It'd be a lot more awkward if I wasn't a little tipsy.

            Connor walked over smirking, giving Brody a guy hand-shake, "Way to go Brodster. Get her number yet?" 

I swear, he's doing this by making this moment more weird and awkward than it already is.

            Brody looked surprised, "Was that part of the, thing?"

            "No, just an added bonus I guess," he replied winking.

             I'm so confused at this point it's not even funny.

            Brody turned to me and smiled, "So, can I get your number?"

            "Where the hell is my dress?" I suddenly realize that I was only in fact in a bra and underwear. Being with Devin would be less sluty than this.

            "You don't need it," Connor said grinning,

            I looked at Brody, "Where is it?"

            He looked at Connor nervously, then glancing back at me, "I agree with Connor?" He said like he was unsure.

            Connor laughed, "You look best without clothes. I'd know."


            It was back at that party when I realized really how insanely lost I was without Connor. He was the one that took me to this party and when he said I'll be back soon. I didn't know that 40 minutes was 'soon'. Sitting there awkwardly in a room full of grade 10s made me question if Connor actually forgot about me. I mean he pretty much acted like the perfect gentlemen for the first 2 weeks that I've known him. And at that point specifically, I honestly doubted that he of all people would just leave me.

            "Hey, how's it going Addie?" a hammered guy sat beside me, "where's uh, Connor."

            I stared at him and looked down, "he said he's coming back."

            He grinned, "don't worry about it. He'll be back, but in the mean time-"

            His lips smashed on to mine as I sat there stunned. My first kiss was stolen by a guy that probably didn't even remember anything that happened the next day. Pushing him off of me, I got up and tried to find Connor. It was as if he just disappeared and left me.

            "Addie!" said the really drunk guy stumbling over to me and forced me up against the wall.

            I was stunned, so I just stood there, didn't move.

            He smirked, "Connor's not going to be down anytime soon. He's pretty busy at the moment."

            "With what," I was able to force out.

            "Oh just, stuff," he winked.

            Deep down, I knew Connor was up stairs hooking up with some girl. But I didn't believe it then. I thought he was perfect.


            I rolled my eyes, "Well, once the mystery's gone, so is the magic."

            He grinned knowing exactly what I'm talking about, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure the magic's just beginning." But he took off his plaid shirt revealing his toned and tanned chest, and gave it to me. My weakness.

            Snatching the shirt from him, I mumbled a thanks. Like seriously, the thing didn't cover much leg.

            "Look, the least I could do is get you something to wear. Come up stairs, I'll find you some clothes," his blue eyes stared at me intently.

            A part of me screamed to decline. Connor always left me heartbroken and tonight won't be any different. But of course, that small part of me wanted to go with him. To go into the haze with Connor because he was the one person I always would say yes to.

            "Okay, lead the way," I signed.

            He grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined. Stupid Connor, and his stupid charm.


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