You're Mine

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Deku POV

It's Monday and me charlie, ryu, and luna are all walking to school charlie is in front of me and I can't help look at his ass in those leggings they really bring out his curves I can't believe his

Mine I have a feeling about today and it's not a good feeling it's like something bad is going to happen but I just don't know what I better keep charlie close cuz ik if something is

Going to happen it's going to be with that luke guy I get a bad vibe from him the only reason I put up with him is because Charlie likes him as a friend and they are really close but to close

For my liking but I know that Charlie will never cheat on me it's just that luke dude I have a feeling he is up to something I see how he looks at charlie and I don't like it one bit but

Charlie don't see it but I do we walk into school I see luke walk up to charlie and start talking to him I feel someone pull me around the corner so I can't see charlie anymore which I don't like at all who is this person to

Just drag me away from my friends I hear luna and ryu shout for me but I hand covers my mouth so I can't say anything back alright who is this fucker and what do they want from me


I'm really sorry for this please forgive me but I don't have a choice

What what do u mean and sorry for what

They pull me into a kiss and I can't move I don't kiss back I push them off I turn around to see charlie and the others charlie is crying

Baby it's not what it looks like I promise they kissed me

He turns into a tiny cat and runs into lukes arms that bitch he did this he's holding what's mine and he is smirking ryu comes up to me and hugs me she said she believes me because

She knows I'll never cheat on Charlie I love him I see walking away while holding charlie I try to run to catch them but ryu holds me back and says to give him time he needs to think but

I don't want him alone with luke I feel a tear run down my cheek I might have just lost the love of my life because of that bastard

I will kill you Luke charlie belongs to me his mine only mine~

I'm coming for u luke~


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