Job at digon ally / lavdnder brown

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Chars POV

It's been a while since Ron and Harry left probably 2-3 weeks and I miss them but the fun part is that me and Amy have been going to each other's houses everyday Molly treats me like her on . Then Amy had this awsome idea

Amy = do you need money ?

Me = uh duh

Amy =what if we worked somewhere like digon alley

Me = A-Amy you are a genius but let's ask your mom first

Amy = ok

Then this girl came

Lavender = uhm who are you to

Amy = this is my house

Lavender = oh you must be Amelia

Amy = yea friends with Ginny I suppose

Lavender=  yea no exues me

She pushes me

Well she was something
................After Molly said yes.............

Ice cream man = hello ladies

Amy = hello I'm Amelia but Amy for short

Me = and I'm Charlotte but char for short

Amy = can I have the right stall

Ice cream man = of course my name is Jason

Me = I will have the right stall then if that's ok

Jason = ah yes

5 mins later

Amy = omg omg omg I have my first coustomor

Random = hello can I get a mint chocolate chip with chocolate sauce and a strawberry shake

Amy = of course just wait 5 minutes and look around for a bit

Me = Amy that was so good

Amy = I know right looks like someone is at your stall

Me = hello what would you like mam

Random = a pumpkin pastie smoothie please

Me = sure miss

........................................................After work.........................................

Amy's POV

Me = I can't believe it I made 50 gallons

Char = right we'll be rich when Hogwarts comes

Me = yea wanna go to your house or mine

Char = how about mine

Me = ok can I use a owl to write to Harry

Char wiggles her eyebrows

Char = ohhhh dose someone have crushhhhhhhhh


Char = heh not a no

Me = will . no . maybe . a little bit . ok yes

Char = YES I knew it since you've been writing to Harry more than Ron

After we sat on her bed

Me = no there was another reason

Char = what ?

Me = cause Ron's yours DUH

Char = Wha- wait did you read my diary

Me = ...

Char = AMY

Me = hey you probably read mine

Char = ...

Me = see

After we talked about boys ;)

Me = ohhh looks like Ronny sent you a letter

Char = really wait let me see

Me = wait Harry sent me one to let's read yours first

Hey Charlotte sorry we have not been that active it's because we think snape is trying to steal the BlaH stone and Harry's game is coming soon we're really excited for next year tho hopefully you get Ravenclaw and also tell Amy I say hi I just decide to write you letter cause your a pretty good at taking or writing I hope your doing well me Harry Your brother and a boy named dean are in a dorm and hope you are doing ok bye

Me = aww he totally likes you back

Char = you think

Me = um DUH now I wanna read mineee

Hi Amy I hope your doing good and I'm really exited for you to come to Hogwarts and wow I can't believe we haven't seen each other in 3 months . I'm sure you'll get sorted into ravenclaw your loyal smart creative kind caring and pretty well byeeee


Char = thanks for the reply 😀

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