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*I found this photo on Google ,It belongs to the rightful owner whom I couldn't find" ~~stupid author

Your pov

I was preparing to head out for school ,my door bell rang.who could be here at this time .
"Yohoo!y/n chan~~,good morning ."
Oh it's just the door .
"Hi oikawa ,Good morning .Are you here to walk with me?" I said with a small smile .
"Yess,Now let's head out."
"Wait give me a minute."


o one's pov
Y/N & oikawa were walking in silence .
Morning breeze was fresh .For y/n
it walk was somehow comforting as it had been a while since she walked to school with someone. Oikawa broke the silence ."you had breakfast?"
"No ,Hajime will bring my breakfast ."
"Why ??Aren't your parents home??you could've just told me y/n chan, I would have bought your breakfast."
"Thank you for your thoughts trash .I don't live with my parents as I wanted to try living alone .But aunt I mean Hajime's mother always insists that she will take care of my food .So sometimes I let her do that."

"Iwa-chan's mom is a sweet lady!"
"Ikr...you're the captain right ?"asked
Oikawa gave a proud smirk. "Yes,who else would have been so perfect for this job? Of course it has to be me."

Y/n chuckled lightly ."Yeah yeah a captain that still needs to be baby sitted."
An irk mark appeared on oikawa's forhead & he retorted saying "it's not my fault that Iwa-chan thinks I can't take care of myself ."
Showing oikawa her tounge y/n ran off inside the school .

Iwaizumi's pov
I saw my stupid cousin running inside the school building .What's up with that little shit .Then I saw trashykawa & handed him y/n's bento.

No one's pov

You saw oikawa took his seat beside you followed by ssqueld from his fan girls .You stared at oikawa's face & winked ."Oikawa-san you're so pretty~~" y/n said imitating those fan girls . "Huh jealous much ?? It can't be helped that I'm too awesome for this world😩",said oikawa & handed y/n her bento ."Thank you Flattykawa ."
"Excuse me lady?who are you calling flat and aren't you going to skip classes today ?" Asked oikawa with a pout .
"You're a flatass & no ,good  night. " said  y/n & slept on her desk .
Oikawa stared at her ● _ ● "What's the point of attending classes then ?"
-_- '

P.E time brought to you by kageyama's milk~~~

'Wake up y/n",oikawa slightly poked her cheeks.
You slowly opened your eyes & wiggled out of your seat.
"Wipe your drool y/n ,"oikawa said laughing .
~ _ ~

You went to change into your P.E clothes. While changing you saw yourself in the mirror ."wtf!!!!oikawa fucking dead tooru!!!!" You screeched .

Oikawa was stretching as they had to run laps .He could her a distinct voice calling out his name & *wham*
Oikawa fell on his face...
Who did this ?? None other than our
"You little shit!!!Wait till I break your back you mother fucking pig."
Oikawa:😰oh you saw.
"Of course I saw & now you see me",said y/n & sat on top of oikawa & started  pulling  his cheeks.
"It hurts demon -chan~~oh my pretty face😖",oikawa cried

"Miss y/l,refrain Yourself from causing violence "A wild teacher appeared & oikawa thanked his stars .

As they were starting to run laps Oikawa felt someone burning glare behind him.
He turned around to see you smirking at him with a devilish glint in your eyes .
Oikawa shivered & started running .
After a few minutes he saw you beside him smiling sweetly .
😶oikawa thought if you were bi-polar or what .

A little time skip

At the cafeteria
Your pov

"Attending classes now  are we?"asked Hajime ." Yess. I thought I'll annoy this pig a little. "
"How about you take a little break from calling me this shitty names?"whined oikawa .      "No❤,"I retorted. Hajime interrupted ,ushering us to finish our lunch .I saw oikawa having a cherry tomato.Well stealing food is my passion so swiftly stole the tomato from him & stuffed it in my mouth. "Do you understand it's bad manners to steal someone's food?"Oikawa asked you with a smirk..
"Well it can't be helped that the tomato looked so tempting ☹."
He took a look at my bento. "Are you a fitness freak ?"oikawa asked me .
"Well not really but I try to take care of my body ."
Oikawa's eyes lit up.
"Ok .we'll be going for morning jogs together then."
Wait ...who agreed .
"Yeah I'll sleep & you'll carry me around , "I said while giving him a stupid grin .
"Not a big deal for me ,I'm pretty strong you know."
Huh ,says the one who was crying because I pulled his cheeks .
"Oi trashykawa ,what happened to your cheek ?" Hajime asked .
Oikawa gave me a glare & said it was nothing .
Then I noticed I had left quite a mark ...
His skin seems to be sensitive .
After a few more minutes of bickering we all headed to our Chemistry class which we had with Hajime.

During class

Let's just say I was  getting bored out of my witts so I decided to check out my surroundings. I looked over to oikawa & saw him dead focused on the lecture .
Well his bread cheeks looked really cute 😼   might just pull it a few more times .I'll just sleep now .
Oikawa's pov
As I was listening to the lecture ,I felt someone staring .with the corner of my eyes I  saw that little monster was staring at me .Well what to say .As her seat was near the window ,sunlight was falling on her face making her look somehow fiery .As if her long hair was on flames & as she was staring at me  her eyes seemed to sparkle because if sunlight. The whole scenario seemed to make my heart flutter .She was beautiful.
Your pov
         "Hey oikawa ,you're heading to gym?"    I asked him .
He nodded ."wanna watch me practice ?"he asked .
"I have a bit work at my photography club,if I finish early I'll come ." I told him .
He gave his infamous fake smile & went ahead .
By the time I reached to the gym ,I could hear  they were cleaning up.
As I stepped inside oikawa said, "You took a while."
"Yeah I had a lot to do since I have been skipping my club activities," I said .
Hajime said he had to buy groceries so he went ahead.It was just me & that tall bitch oikawa .By the time we were leaving school ,the sun was setting .
I looked over to oikawa .His brown hair ,his brown eyes seemed somehow a part of a beautiful photograph.
"Does it still hurt?"I asked him .
"Huh??What?" He asked with a questioning look .I went near him ,tip toed & I reached out my hand to softly poke his cheeks.

(He's like a whole feet taller than me-Boke author ><)

He seemed frozen
"Well I've been dying because of the pain !"he said playfully "So you should treat me with a drink ".
"Like  hell I will. " I retorted .
As we were walking I looked at oikawa ...I grabbed my Polaroid from my bag & captured his photo with the sun setting in the background.
He looked at me at the sound of camera ......."I know I look handsome but you could have just told me that you wanted a photo,I would have given a pose," that bitch said.
I let out a sort laugh & held my camera .
"Look here you narcissist, "
He looked at the camera ,stuck out his tongue  gave a peace sign with a wink.
Then he took out his phone a pulled my towards him .At this sudden movement I looked at him & click .
Bitch took a photo ...Man I'm  looking  like a homeless mf now ..😖
"See y/n ,due to my good looks you look good in this photo ." I looked at him
He looks so beautiful & for what ?
Now my heart is fluttering .
"We're already here ,earth to miss".
Oh .
"See you tomorrow trash."
"At 5.30",he said.
Wait what?
"Never,bye bye Oikawa "
"We'll see,"oikawa said & went inside his house .I sighed.

He is so different from him




OURSELVES 🥀&quot;-Oikawa Tooru X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now