Corbyn & Jack imagine

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I was sat motionless, the emotions in me were wanting to come raging out but I could not give him the satisfaction on how I was feeling.

What was I feeling you might ask? I was hurt and upset, betrayed and more importantly I was disappointed in my boyfriend Jack Robert Avery. Turning my head to the side so I couldn't look at his face anymore I now watch the washing machine spin round and round again, the washing machine which held both of our clothes, I took a sip of my cup of tea which was keeping my hands warm and from shaking.

"You knew this was bound to happen, right?" Jack asks me and my head span round so fast I swear if it could it would come right off my shoulders. I sent him a flabbergasted look, I was shocked with what he'd just asked me, he can't be serious.

Slamming my cup of tea down making some droplets leave and mark the dining room table where we were sat, I couldn't help but let the words finally come out of my mouth.

"You never said at the beginning or when we were dating that you would go off and find someone else whilst you were on tour Jack. This wasn't in the description of the 'rulebook' you gave me" I tell him or more so demanded to him. He was about to say something but I cut him off before even giving him a chance to say anything else. "How the hell was I supposed to know you were going to cheat on me when you had been telling me you love me?!" I now shout at him, I was doing it, I was now showing how I felt.

The frustration and anger were now more prominent than anything else, I definitely wasn't about to cry and give him the satisfaction to show how I was breaking right now, no, he needs to know that I'm angry but that also I could move on from him even though I still love him despite him not being in love with me anymore.

"Fine, if that's how it's going to be then you can leave" I tell him in hopes that he will get the hint that he will be the one leaving the house, not me. I'm happy and settled in this house, all my belongings are here and I don't want to be the one packing up so neighbours can point fingers at me and say I'm the one leaving. Jack is the one leaving, leaving with another women.

Jack gets up from his seat without another word to me, he leaves me sitting here whilst he goes upstairs to pack his things, I'm stuck here with my thoughts on why I wasn't good enough for him, what does this other woman have that I don't? I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts, i'm not the problem here, he is. I cannot doubt my self-worth.

The doorbell rings and much to my dismay I'm the one answering it to see who's here at the house at 7:30pm on a Saturday. Wait, it's got to be her, the one Jack is leaving me for, the one who Jack cheated on me with. Curiosity got the best of me and I grab ahold of the door handle and swing it open to find Corbyn there instead, Jack's best friend.

"Oh hey Corbyn" I greet him, a part of me happy to see him and the other disappointed as I wanted to come face to face to the relationship wrecker and give her a piece of my mind.

Corbyn laughs but then looks at me surprised, I could tell what he was thinking right now, it was all over his face and as he realises that Jack has told me the bad news of leaving me he gives me the most sympathetic look. He knew what Jack had done.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)" He apologises on behalf of his best friend, something Jack didn't do, and yet i'm grateful for Corbyn's apology and I smile at him. "Come here" He tells me what to do and has his arms out open for me to which I don't take any thought and quickly embrace him, letting his arms wrap around me.

This hug could've been the worst thing to happen right now because as soon as he's rocking us back and forth trying to comfort me the tears start to happen. I didn't want to cry, crying is a sign of weakness and I couldn't show any weakness right now. I had to be strong whilst I kick Jack out of the house. We let go of the embrace and Corbyn walks through the threshold and shuts the front door after him.

I start to wonder why Corbyn is here but of course it would have to be something to do with Jack. "He's upstairs packing his stuff, you can go on up" I say to Corbyn and direct him with my hands and then use them to wipe away the tears I had let astray during the comfort session.

"I'm not here to see Jack actually" Corbyn tells me and all of a sudden he looks nervous, he couldn't even look me in the eyes anymore. "I came here to see you, to see if you're alright" He tells me and I couldn't help but give him a warm loving smile, if only Jack could care about me as much as Corbyn is right now.

I didn't know what to say, I felt flattered but something was telling me that Corbyn was meaning something more. More than what he was trying to make me believe. "Coffee?" Is all I could ask him right now, I didn't want to assume anything yet when he hasn't told me what he's really wanting to, he's etching to tell me something else but psyching himself out. I could tell by how nervous he now was and the constant fidgeting from his fingers.

Corbyn and I walk into the kitchen and I start to boil the kettle to make us some well deserved coffee. Over the boiling kettle and the silence from us both, I could hear Jack's footsteps coming down the stairs multiple bags in hand with all of his belongings. "I don't know if i've missed anything so if you come across-" Jack starts to say but then stops himself when he finds his best friend in the kitchen with me. "Oh hey Corbyn, what are you doing here?" He questions him not aware that his best friend had came to see me instead of him.

"Hey Jack" Corbyn finally greets him and places his hands in his jeans pockets, his posture and stance now different from before, more prominent and intimidating like he was somewhat angry with him. "I'm here to see (Y/N) and how she's doing" Corbyn tells him, not scared of letting Jack know the truth. Jack on the other hand was now confused at to why his best friend is here to see me and not him.

"Why do you suddenly care on how (Y/N) is doing?" Jack questions Corbyn looking slightly pissed off leaving me confused as to why he has a problem with it, he doesn't care himself on how I'm doing or what I'm feeling. Corbyn scoffs at the smaller, curly haired guy not intimdated by Jack's scornful looks he's sending his way.

Corbyn takes a couple steps closer to Jack, whilst I'm here kettle in hand watching this all unfold between two best friends. "Someone has to, cause you clearly don't" Corbyn spits his words with venom towards his supposed 'friend'. It was that moment then and there the penny had dropped for both me and Jack, Corbyn had feelings for me.

Jack's face was now angrier than ever, he just learnt that his best friend had feelings for his now ex-girlfriend. "And how long have you been feeling that way?" Jack question gritting his teeth and trying all his might to not let his anger out, Jack always had anger issues but he thought he would never want to punch a friend, well until now.

"Jack, lets be real if we had a fight i'd beat your ass. So calm down" Corbyn tells him but this doesn't make Jack let up and I know if I didn't step in now they most definitely would fight and couldn't let that happen between them, they are too close as friends to let someone get between them, even if that someone was me. The guilt would rip me apart if I broke up a special friendship like theirs, not to mention the band would then be at risk.

I place the kettle back down and hurry over to the two boys before Jack ends up swinging for the first punch. "Guys, just stop it!" I shout to them, Corbyn listens to me and takes a couple steps back being the bigger man but of course Jack wasn't backing down right now. I turn to face my now ex-boyfriend. "Jack you chose someone else over me, you cheated on me. So leave, you've got your stuff" I say to him and motion toward the front door in hopes he will just leave without another word instead of making this situation much worse than it could be.

"yeah Jack, you chose your bed now lie in it" Corbyn barks over my shoulder at him and I quickly glance to him and give him a look as if to say 'shut up you're not helping' which he recognises and does so. Jack on the other hand is still stood in front of me, eyes searching me, looking for answers as if wanting to know if I would actually go 'there' with his best friend.

Yes Corbyn is insanely attractive, and if they weren't best friends I definitely would but with them being best friends and working together I knew what I had to do in hopes this would be able to salvage everything between them. "Jack leave. Corbyn you too, this is just too much right now" I tell them and then usher them both towards the door and as I shut the door in their faces I started to wonder what life would have been like with Corbyn instead of Jack.

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